Daily Archives: 2011/05/16

“Fukushima in America” on the New York Times

HIROSHIMA — Last year, around spring break, I visited Eiheiji — the Temple of Eternal Peace — a magnificent 700-year-old Buddhist complex in the bucolic hills of Fukui Prefecture in central Japan. It so impressed me that I intend to … Continue reading

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“Erich Pica: Don’t Jump to Conclusions About Nuclear Reactors: Look at the Facts and Say No” via the Huffington Post

The terrible pictures and continuing news coverage coming from Japan since the devastating earthquake and tsunami almost three weeks ago have reminded many Americans about the dangers of nuclear reactors. Today, more and more Americans are realizing that nuclear power … Continue reading

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“Fukushima: What don’t we know?” on the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists

On March 11, when news of the terrible events at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant began to emerge, so did the contrasts: Will this be another Chernobyl? How does this compare with Three Mile Island? Discussions have focused on … Continue reading

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『校庭の土、校外持ち出し不要 文科省が処理方法提示』 via 日本経済新聞

 福島県内の学校の校庭などで通常より大幅に高い放射線量が検出されている問題で、文部科学省は11日、表層の土を削って放射線量を減らす方法を同県などに伝えた。表層5センチ分の土を除去すれば線量が大幅に低下するとし、袋に入れて地中に埋める方法と下層の土と入れ替える方法の2つを示した。  実際に採用するかは自治体に任せるが、「国が費用を負担することも検討する」(同省の笹木竜三副大臣)という。 続きは『校庭の土、校外持ち出し不要 文科省が処理方法提示』から。

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