“Fukushima Mon Amour” on The Minimalist Woman

The following was inspired by Hiroshima Mon Amour, the 1959 Alain Resnais film scripted by Marguerite Duras. One of the first French New Wave films, it is a dialogue of memory and truth between two lovers, only known to us as Lui (him) and Elle (she). She, a French actress, likens their breakup to the devastation of the bombing of Hiroshima. He, a Japanese architect, challenges her memories even as he is drawn to her by them. The film was not nominated at the Cannes Film Festival for fear of offending the United States.


Exelon is closely monitoring the situation in Japan as it continues to unfold. While there is still a great deal we don’t know, from all information the company received so far, it appears that the damage to the Japanese plants was primarily related to the tsunami, the earthquake….Exelon Chairman and CEO John Rowe said…”Our plants are safe, particularly given the different seismic patterns in our regions and the absence of tsunami-type events where we have operations….Our plants are operating safely, and our plant neighbors are safe,” said Rowe. –Exelon Statement on Japan Disaster

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