[online-broadcasting/生放送/4-29Fri] Inconvenient Truth of Fukushima 「不都合な福島の真実」

USTREAM -> http://ow.ly/4IvFN

Inconvenient Truth of Fukushima 「不都合な福島の真実」

0 Views A Special Lecture on:”Inconvenient Truth of Fukushima”
What is happening at and around Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Plant?
– Nuclear Plant accidents viewed from Environmental Science … A Special Lecture on:”Inconvenient Truth of Fukushima”
What is happening at and around Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Plant?
– Nuclear Plant accidents viewed from Environmental Science –

Time:18:00-21:00 Friday, the 29th April 2011
Language:in English
*In case a difficulty occurs due to some problems with internet connections, the lecture will be recorded and uploaded on USTREAM later

Profile of lecturers:
Dr. Imanaka , Institute of Research Reactor, Kyoto University Research Reactor Institute is specialized in environmental impact from the use of nuclear energy as well as radioactive human exposure assessment. He has conducted extensive field work and analysis on the evaluation of radioactive exposure under the Hiroshima and Nagasaki nuclear bombs, the impact of the Chernobyl accident. Most recently on the 28 and 29 March 2011 he led a research team which assessed the level of radioactive contamination of the air and the soil around Iidate village in Fukushima prefecture as a consequence of Fukushima Daiichi accident.

Prof. ONO , adjunct professor of Environmental science, Hokkaido University, is specialized in environmental science and geo-science, He has worked 25 years in Hokkaido University and has devoted hisacademic life to fulfill a gap between the university and society,through his specialties.




今中哲二 京都大学原子炉研究所、原子力利用による環境への影響と放射能の人間への被ばくの影響に関する専門家。広島と長崎の原子爆弾による影響やチェルノブイリ事故による影響に関して、広範囲にわたる調査を行う。最近では、3月28日と29日に、福島第一事故による、福島県飯館村周辺の大気汚染と土壌汚染の被害の現状に関する調査団を率いた。

小野有五 北海道大学特任教授。環境学専門。25年にのぼる北大での研究生活の中で、環境学研究を通して、大学と社会の間の溝を埋めるための活動を行ってきた。

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