[event] “Desk Theories II” by Volvox Théatron (March 24 5PM Chicago)

“Desk Theories II” by Volvox Théatron
Time: March 24th, 2011, Sunday, 5PM
Location: The Op Shop, 1001 E. 53rd St. Chicago, IL

Performance piece by Volvox Théatron (Kiku Hibino, Yoko Katagiri, and Aiko Kojima). Nuclear plants tragedy and radiation emergency in Japan made Kiku inspired to revisit his previous piece, “Desk Theories” (2010), the intensively electricity-dependent multi-media performance, and to create a sequel piece in collaboration with Yoko and Aiko.

Volvox Théatron, their newly formed artist group, will present “Desk Theories II” with the minimum use of electricity that reflects this atomic age. On site, there will be a charity sale of Volvox Théatron logo-ed tote bags handmade by Yoko. Proceeds and all the collected donations will be sent to Japan Chernobyl Foundation, the NPO engaging in relief effort for victims of earthquake and radiation emergency in Japan.

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