PRESS RELEASE: “”TSUNAGU HIKARI” (“Connecting Light”) Launched to Support Victims from Tohoku Kanto Earthquake/Tsunami Afflicted Areas”

We, volunteer citizens of Japan, wish to announce the launching of “TSUNAGU HIKARI”

Campaign For Victims’ Support from Tohoku Kanto Earthquake/Tsunami Afflicted Areas.

Due to expected serious effects of radiation released from damaged nuclear power plants, recovery of those areas afflicted by the tsunami, earthquake and damaged nuclear power plants is considered to extend for a long term.

We are an information center created to help find accommodations and relocate “pregnant women and families with small children” in Okinawa. Among those who will be evacuated first are those women and children living within the 30 km (20 miles) unsafe radiation circle. Okinawa is located farthest south from the afflicted areas and can be considered to be the safest place in Japan for evacuation.

We are recruiting volunteers for this project and asking for information of homesteads, available hotel rooms, houses etc. in Okinawa that can be offered for this purpose, as well as fundraising to cover the costs.

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