Farmers’ cooperative urges Tepco to pay up for losses to agriculture via The Japan Times

The nation’s top federation of agricultural cooperatives urged Tokyo Electric Power Co. to compensate farmers damaged by the Fukushima No. 1 nuclear plant crisis.

In a meeting with Tepco President Masataka Shimizu, Mamoru Moteki, chairman of the Central Union of Agricultural Cooperatives, submitted a letter Thursday protesting the utility’s handling of the atomic crisis and warning that the radioactive fallout is threatening agriculture in both east and northeast Japan.

Shimizu apologized for the damage.

The federation, known as JA-Zenchu, said in the letter that Tepco has not offered any explanations or apologies regarding the adverse effects of the nuclear power plant’s radioactive leaks and has failed to take any action related to compensation. “This is totally unacceptable,” the letter said.

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