Call for Solidarity Statements for Abolition of Nuclear Power Plants

Email from Adrienne Hurley, McGill University

I want to ask your help. Activists in Japan are planning major demos against nuclear power on April 10th. They are asking for solidarity statements and actions. My students and I are trying to make as much info available in English as possible on this website:

I would be so grateful if you could send a call-out to folks to send statements of solidarity — calls for an abolition of nuclear power plants, plutonium reprocessing plants, and the like. Any statement that says don’t rebuild these genocidal plants will be very appreciated. The statements can be as short as a sentence or as long as you like. Please help spread the word.

Statements can be emailed to 410nonuke [at] If the statements are long, folks should send them to me (at adrienne.hurley [at] so I can get them translated to spare the organizers time so they can do other work. If you are able to send a statement in both English and Japanese, please do so. But don’t worry if you send a long statement in English — we can handle it, and we need it!!


The demonstration website has been set up as well.

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