Tag Archives: renewables

The Asian Super Grid via Japan Focus

John A. Mathews The integration of East Asia is a topic of perennial interest – whether it be monetary integration (much discussed in the wake of the 1997 financial crisis), trade integration (promoted via ever-expanding FTA areas) or even political … Continue reading

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EON Falls Most in 20 Years After Utility Scraps Forecasts via Bloomsberg Businessweek

EON AG (EOAN) plunged the most in 20 years after Germany’s largest utility scrapped profit forecasts and said the shift to renewable energy presents “huge challenges.” The Dusseldorf-based company said today it may have to cut dividends and close power … Continue reading

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Media Fails to Report Solar, Wind Successes from Obama’s Policies via Truthout

In the second presidential debate, President Barack Obama mentioned that electricity generation from wind and solar have doubled during his administration. This was a bold claim but may also be an understatement. Wind power capacity in the United States has … Continue reading

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Four power stations’ worth of locally-owned renewable schemes could be installed by 2020 via The Independent

Four power stations’ worth of locally-owned renewable schemes could be installed by 2020 if the Government supports community energy, it was claimed today. A coalition of organisations including the Co-operative, the National Trust, the Church of England and the Women’s … Continue reading

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The World Nuclear Industry Status Report 2012

Twenty years after its first edition, the World Nuclear Industry Status Report 2012 portrays an industry suffering from the cumulative impacts of the world economic crisis, the Fukushima disaster, ferocious competitors and its own planning and management difficulties. Key results … Continue reading

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Japan’s New Green Political Innovators Respond to Government Attempts to Restart Nuclear Power Plants via Japan Focus

Just when it seemed Japanese politics was being pulled back into the hands of the collusive interests who brought us Fukushima, it’s thrown up another surprise. The reformists, centred in innovative capital and local government, seem to have found a … Continue reading

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Nation’s wind power generation capacity grew fivefold in last decade via The Japan Times

The nation’s wind power capacity has climbed about fivefold to 2.5 million kw over the past decade, sources say. But growth in fiscal 2011 shrank to just under 100,000 kw — the slowest pace in the decade — following the … Continue reading

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Davey calls for move away from renewable energy targets to CO2 cuts via greenwise

Energy Secretary Ed Davey has called on Europe to focus on cutting carbon emissions rather than repeating existing renewable energy targets that expire at the end of the decade. Business, which needs investment certainty, has been heaping pressure on the … Continue reading

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Nuclear power generation costs surge via The Japan Times Online

A government panel says in a draft report that nuclear power generation costs ¥8.9 per kilowatt hour when including expenses associated with nuclear accidents, higher than a 2004 projection of ¥5.9 per kwh. Looking forward to 2030, thermal power costs … Continue reading

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Nuclear Power: Not the Solution to Climate Change via Monthly Review

If carbon emissions from energy production are the problem, is nuclear power the solution?  After all, nuclear reactors split uranium atoms to generate heat; no fossil fuels are used on site, and no CO2is released into the air from the … Continue reading

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