Tag Archives: Nuclear power

The Forgotten Faces of the Atomic Lie/核の嘘の忘れられた顔via Beyond Nuclear/Beyond Nuclear International

Nos Voisins Lointains 3.11 核の物語の最初の始まり、ウラン鉱山から加工、発電、放射性廃棄物処分まで、世界中の被害者の顔と「核の嘘」 2021年4月29日に開催されたNEC2021(https://www.nec2021.eu/en/) 主催のウェビナー、「核の嘘を解体する方法」での、NGO Beyond Nuclear(核を超えて)のリンダ・ペンツ・ガンターさんのパワフルなスピーチです。彼女のスピーチに多くの被害当事者たちが涙しました。ぜひご視聴ください。 See also Nuclear Energy Conference 2021 ◇Keynote by Alex Rosen: Playing down the Risks of Atomic Energy ◇Albena Simeonova: Eastern Europe – a Perfect Playground for Nuclear Stakeholders ◇Eva Stegen: Refurbished … Continue reading

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Nuclear reactor problem a new headache for designer and China via Daily Mail

By AFP The emergence of problems in a new-generation nuclear reactor in China threatens to undermine efforts by its French designer to sell it elsewhere, and could hurt Beijing’s nuclear industry, analysts said. French energy giant EDF and the Chinese government … Continue reading

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Why Nuclear Power Slows Action on Climate Change: Talking Points #1 via Beyond Nuclear

An analysis by Amory B. Lovins Our new series of Talking Points begins with Amory Lovins’ work on carbon emissions + time + cost which, taken together, eliminate nuclear power as useful in addressing climate change All this is argued … Continue reading

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New plutonium research helps distinguish nuclear power pollution from global fall out via EurikAlert!

Lancaster University Researchers looking at miniscule levels of plutonium pollution in our soils have made a breakthrough which could help inform future ‘clean up’ operations on land around nuclear power plants, saving time and money. Publishing in the journal Nature Communications, … Continue reading

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Armenia’s nuclear power plant is dangerous. Time to close it. via the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists

By Brenda Shaffer | March 5, 2021 In late 2020, the Armenian government announced that its Metsamor nuclear power plant would close for five months in 2021 to attempt significant upgrades. Soon after, the EU urged Armenia to make the closure permanent … Continue reading

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Cancer plagues West Valley nuke workers via Investigative Post

Federal program has paid former employees $20.3 million in compensation. Other claims are pending and still more workers are unaware of the program.By Phil Gambini David Pyles says he lives on painkillers and moves with the help of a cane and … Continue reading

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Climate change and ‘advanced nuclear’ solutions via The Hill

BY GREGORY JACZKO, OPINION CONTRIBUTOR — 02/23/21 03:30 PM EST […] Climate scientists predict we have less than 10 years to significantly reduce emissions. Nuclear power is knocking on the government’s door offering solutions. The Biden platform answered by including so-called “advanced nuclear” … Continue reading

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Bill Gates, Climate Warrior. And Super Emitter. via The Nation

The billionaire’s new book, a bid to be taken seriously as a climate campaigner, has attracted the usual worshipful coverage. When will the media realize that with Gates you have to follow the money? By Tim Schwab During the pandemic, Bill … Continue reading

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Brazil’s Angra 3 nuclear reactor: a political undertaking, not a common good via the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists

By Carolina Basso In 2019 the Brazilian government decided to resume work at Angra 3, a nuclear reactor where construction has been essentially dormant for more than three decades. The work was supposed to restart last year, with the reactor entering commercial … Continue reading

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Big money, nuclear subsidies, and systemic corruption via The Bulletin of Atomic Scientists

By Cassandra Jeffery, M. V. Ramana | February 12, 2021 The “largest bribery, money-laundering scheme ever perpetrated against the people and the state of Ohio” came to light during an unexpected press conference in July 2020 in Columbus. Speaking haltingly and carefully, US Attorney … Continue reading

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