Tag Archives: nuclear power plants

The Quake to Make Los Angeles a Radioactive Dead Zone via Reader Supported News

By Harvey Wasserman 06 July 2019 We are THIS CLOSE to an unimaginable apocalyptic horror: Had Friday’s 7.1 earthquake and other ongoing seismic shocks hit less than 200 miles northwest of Ridgecrest/China Lake, ten million people in Los Angeles would … Continue reading

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What are nuclear power plants doing to address climate threats? via Beyond Nuclear International

The outer defensive wall of what is expected to be the world’s most expensive nuclear power station is taking shape on the shoreline of the choppy gray waters of the Bristol Channel in western England. By the time the US$25 billion Hinkley Point … Continue reading

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What if Hurricane Matthew Hits Florida’s Nuclear Reactors? via CleanEnergy.org

[…] Two nuclear power plants exist on Florida’s eastern coast: the St. Lucie and Turkey Point facilities. Based on the current National Hurricane Center projections, it appears that Hurricane Matthew will come closest to the St. Lucie nuclear facility early … Continue reading

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Nuclear-Free Local Authorities say Scottish nuclear facilities are vulnerable to terrorist attack via The Herald Scotland

UK authorities are underestimating the risks of devastating terrorist attacks on nuclear plants and shipments of radioactive material, according to an expert report seen by the Sunday Herald. A new analysis for the 40-strong group of Nuclear-Free Local Authorities (NFLA) … Continue reading

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Nuclear Power Plants: Pre-Deployed WMDs via CounterPunch

By Karl Grossman Pre-deployed weapons of mass destruction. That’s what nuclear power plants are. And that’s another very big reason—demonstrated again in recent days with the disclosure that two of the Brussels terrorists were planning attacks on Belgian nuclear plants—why … Continue reading

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Belgium fears nuclear plants are vulnerable via The New York Times

BRUSSELS — As a dragnet aimed at Islamic State operatives spiraled across Brussels and into at least five European countries on Friday, the authorities were also focusing on a narrower but increasingly alarming threat: the vulnerability of Belgium’s nuclear installations. … Continue reading

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Nuclear power plants in ‘culture of denial’ over hacking risk via The Financial Times

[…] A focus on safety and high physical security means that many nuclear facilities are blind to the risks of cyber attacks, according to the report by think-tank Chatham House, citing 50 incidents globally of which only a handful have … Continue reading

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Spineless attacks on nuclear power plants could increase via The Bulletin of Atomic Scientists

Nuclear power plants increasingly face a new enemy: the humble jellyfish. These aquatic animals—and algae and other plants—get caught in and block the cooling water intake pipes of nuclear power plants, preventing nuclear reactors from getting the huge amount of … Continue reading

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Paris Terror Spurs Plan for Military Zones Around Nuclear Plants via Bloomberg

Lawmakers in France want to create military zones around its 58 atomic reactors to boost security after this month’s Paris terror attacks and almost two dozen mystery drone flights over nuclear plants that have baffled authorities. “There’s a legal void … Continue reading

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Mystery Drones in France Expose Vulnerability of Nuclear Sites via Bloomberg

A series of mysterious drone flights over French nuclear reactors recently is exposing a security threat that has authorities scrambling. There have been more than a dozen sightings so far, including one this week, of small unmanned aircraft. They haven’t … Continue reading

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