Tag Archives: Marshall Islands

Daniel Ellsberg Arrested at Lawrence Livermore Lab on 70th Anniversary of Nuclear Bombing of Hiroshima via Reader Supported News

ietnam War-era whistleblower Daniel Ellsberg, 84, known for releasing the Pentagon Papers in 1971, has once again been arrested for protesting U.S. nuclear weapon arsenals, this time at Lawrence Livermore Labs on Thursday, August 7, the 70th anniversary of the … Continue reading

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A Wedge for Nuclear Disarmament via Huffington Post

“Each of the Parties to the Treaty undertakes to pursue negotiations in good faith…” What if words like this actually meant something? This is Article VI of the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons, which the United States signed … Continue reading

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Nuclear Zero Lawsuit by Marshall Islands Appealed to Higher Court via Reader Supported News

By Jane Ayers Desmond Tutu states lawsuit “good for humanity,” and all U.S. mayors agree in Resolution to back the nuclear disarmament lawsuit An interview with David Krieger, President of the Nuclear Age Peace Foundation (Santa Barbara, California), and Consultant … Continue reading

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MARSHALL ISLANDS: Advocate for nuclear test victims honoured in Taiwan via Pacific Media Centre

TAIPEI, Taiwan (Marshall Islands Journal/ Marianas Variety/ Radio Australia/ Pacific Media Watch): Nineteen years after her death from cancer, Marshall Islander Darlene Keju is being honored in Taiwan this week with the Global Love of Lives award from a Taipei … Continue reading

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Radiation compensation plan considered via Kuam News

Over a decade ago a blue ribbon panel was formed at the request of the Guam Legislature. Their mission was to study in-depth radioactive contamination in Guam between 1946 to 1958. This time period is crucial because this was around … Continue reading

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Losing Paradise: The People Displaced by Atomic Bombs and Now Climate Change via Reader Supported News (The Guardian)

n 1946 an American commodore gathered Lirok Joash and her people together and asked them to temporarily leave their homes on Bikini Atoll. The US needed somewhere to test its atomic bombs. It would be, said the navy man, “for … Continue reading

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A Pacific Isle, Radioactive and Forgotten via The New York Times

By Michael B. Gerrard The United States had chosen this string of islands halfway between Hawaii and Australia for its nuclear tests; specifically the atolls of Bikini and Enewetak. Each is a thin broken circle of coral reefs surrounding a … Continue reading

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Marshall Islands takes on the nuclear-armed states, for all our sakes via Greenpeace International

Read more“The day the sun rose twice”. That’s how 1 March 1954 was recorded in the history of Rongelap, a tiny atoll in the Pacific Ocean, part of the Marshall Islands. Early that morning, shortly after the sun rose in … Continue reading

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Marshall Islands Nuclear Lawsuit Reopens Old Wounds via Newsweek

The Republic of the Marshall Islands, the tiny collection of Pacific Ocean atolls and a former nuclear testing ground for the United States, is taking on the U.S. and eight other nuclear-armed nations with a set of lawsuits, claiming that … Continue reading

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Marshall Islands sues nine nuclear powers over failure to disarm via the Guardian

Pacific nation that was site of 67 nuclear tests between 1946 and 1958 accuses states of ‘flagrant denial of human justice’ Bikini Atoll, Marshall Islands, where a 15-megaton device equivalent to a thousand Hiroshima blasts, detonated in 1954. Photograph: US … Continue reading

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