Tag Archives: Germany

Ten Countries Launch Renewables Club to Lead World Energy Transformation via EcoWatch

On the invitation of the German Environment Minister Peter Altmaier, high-level representatives from 10 countries have gathered in Berlin to establish the Renewables Club on June 1. Their common goal is to scale up the deployment of renewable energy worldwide. … Continue reading

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Renewable Energy vs. Nuclear Power: Taiwan’s energy future in light of Chinese, German and Japanese experience since 3.11 via Japan Focus

John Mathews and Mei-Chih Hu Taiwan is presently wracked by debate over the prospect of a referendum on the country’s Fourth Nuclear Power facility, currently under construction but subject to a ban on further works. The debate is focused on … Continue reading

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Merkel protege struggles with Germany’s green revolution via Reuters

(Reuters) – Chancellor Angela Merkel appointed him for his charm and political skill as marshal of her vision of a ‘green revolution’ in Europe’s biggest power market. A year on, Peter Altmaier finds himself spurned by many environmentalists, disdained by … Continue reading

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Living above Germany’s old nuclear waste via Deutsche Welle

A German law has recently come into effect ordering the cleanup of 126,000 barrels of radioactive waste at the Asse nuclear dump site. But it seems the process could take a lot longer than locals initially hoped for. […] Wiegel, … Continue reading

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Nuclear Headache: Task of Decommissioning Plants Is Herculean via Spiegel online

The dismantling of Germany’s nuclear power plants will be one of the greatest tasks of the century as the country moves to phase out atomic energy. It will take at least until 2080 to complete the job. But what happens if … Continue reading

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German nuclear firms not ready to pay for new waste site search via Platts

Germany’s nuclear power operators are not ready to bear the estimated Eur2 billion ($2.6 billion) cost for identifying and building a new nuclear waste depository, the German Atomic Forum said Tuesday after the federal government reached a compromise with states … Continue reading

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The economics of a US civilian nuclear phase-out via Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists

Amory B. Lovins […]An expanding fraction of well-running nuclear plants is now challenged to compete with moderating wholesale power prices, while plants needing major repairs or located in regions rich in wind power increasingly face difficult choices of whether to … Continue reading

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155:フクシマ2周年、ドイツ農民がトラクターデモで日本大使館に抗議行動・Protest von Bauern zum zweiten Fukushimajahrestag vor japanisher Botshaft in Berlin am 11.3.2013 via 明日うらしま

Mit Verspätung einer Woche möchte ich nun Bilderberichte der Antiatomprotest von Bauern zum 2. Jahrestag Fukushimas 11.3.2013 vor der japanischen Botschaft in Berlin zeigen. Über die Aktion mit etwa 100 Atomgegener berichteten  beide japanische Fernsehersendungen  NHK und TBS. Vorbericht von … Continue reading

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Ansprache von Herrn Thomas Dersee bei der Kundgebung der Demo am 9.3.2013 in Berlin Mugen-en-ten

Herr Thomas Dersee ist der Herausgeber und der Leiter des Informationsblattes „Strahlentelex“ heraus, in dem er über aktuelle Gefahren und Problematik um Strahlen, AKWs, Folgen von atomaren Unfällen gibt.  Er war letztes Jahr auch in Fukushima, um u.a. die Bürgerintiative, … Continue reading

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Abyss of Uncertainty: Germany’s Homemade Nuclear Waste Disaster via Spiegel

Some 126,000 barrels of nuclear waste have been dumped in the Asse II salt mine over the last 50 years. German politicians are pushing for a law promising their removal. But the safety, technical and financial hurdles are enormous, and … Continue reading

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