Tag Archives: Germany

Nuclear Revival Dying in Europe as Power Prices Slump: Energy via Bloomberg

A Czech atomic-plant expansion planned near the German border had been one of the few prizes left for Europe’s nuclear-power industry after the Fukushima disaster stopped projects from Switzerland to Romania. Russian and U.S. contractors have prepared to bid for … Continue reading

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Big Picture on German Electricity: Renewable Replacing Nuclear via Lenz Blog

All numbers below are sourced from the latest data release on electricity generation in Germany from 1990 to 2012 from Arbeitsgemeinschaft Energiebilanzen. […] In some detail: Fossil fuel (all flavors) was at 358.1 in 2010 and is essentially unchanged at … Continue reading

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Merkel confirms Germany won’t export nuclear waste via DW

[…] The state premier accused leaders of the center-left Social Democrat Party (SPD) and the Greens for continually finding reasons not to engage with the CDU in finding a solution for domestic disposal. For decades, Germany was eyeing the Lower … Continue reading

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While Germany Is Headed for 80% Renewable Energy, We’re Getting Left in the Dust via AlterNet

When you think of places with great potential for solar energy, what comes to mind? Maybe the American Southwest, perhaps the Middle East. What probably doesn’t come to mind is Germany — and yet Germany is leading a global revolution … Continue reading

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Lithuanians near old nuclear plant fear for their lives via The Washington Times

The parking lot outside the atomic power plant is weedy and potholed. Bus stops that once teemed with hundreds of workers are eerily empty. Yet the stillness at Ignalina, a Lithuanian nuclear plant built in the 1980s Soviet era, belies … Continue reading

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EON Falls Most in 20 Years After Utility Scraps Forecasts via Bloomsberg Businessweek

EON AG (EOAN) plunged the most in 20 years after Germany’s largest utility scrapped profit forecasts and said the shift to renewable energy presents “huge challenges.” The Dusseldorf-based company said today it may have to cut dividends and close power … Continue reading

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Germany ships more power abroad despite nuke exit via Channel 12

BERLIN –BERLIN (AP) Utility companies say Germany has exported significantly more electricity to its neighbors from January through September as renewable energies made up for last year’s closure of eight nuclear power plants. The BDEW industry group said Friday net … Continue reading

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German solar power up 50% year over year via Renewables International

Yesterday, the BDEW announced power production figures for the first three quarters of 2012. Most notably, the share of solar power grew from 4.1 percent to 6.1 percent – an increase of nearly 50 percent. Other renewables also continue to … Continue reading

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EON Exit From Finnish Nuclear Reactor May Trigger Failure via Bloomberg

EON AG’s plan to pull out of a joint venture that’s building a nuclear reactor in Finland increases the risk that the project may fail, thwarting the government’s plans to cut reliance on energy imports. EON, Germany’s biggest utility, is … Continue reading

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Nuclear power turns to developing world as west recoils from Fukushima via The Guardian

As the mood in Japan, Germany, Italy and even France hardens, China is restarting a £170bn reactor programme and India is looking to atomic power to shore up its creaking grid A nuclear fuel pellet the size of your little … Continue reading

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