Tag Archives: France

Nuclear plant tops Hollande’s agenda in Turkey via euro/topics

French President François Hollande arrived in Turkey for a two-day visit on Monday. During this first state visit by a French president to Turkey in 22 years the economy – and in particular French plans to build a nuclear power … Continue reading

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France struggles to cut down on nuclear power via BBC News

The Fukushima disaster led many countries to rethink their view on nuclear energy. Germany plans to abandon it altogether, but French President Francois Hollande also wants to cut nuclear output sharply – by a third in 20 years. It’s a … Continue reading

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Nucléaire : la prolongation comptable à 50 ans des centrales déjà décidée (Batho) via Connaissance des Energies

La décision de prolonger comptablement à 50 ans la durée de vie des centrales nucléaires françaises d’EDF est “déjà prise”, a assuré mardi l’ex-ministre de l’Ecologie Delphine Batho, dans un entretien au quotidien spécialisé Enerpresse. “Nous devons prolonger de manière … Continue reading

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Chinese nuclear disaster “highly probable” by 2030 via Chinadialogue

China is heading for a nuclear accident if it continues with current construction plans, says former state nuclear physicist and prominent critic He Zuoxiu Some members of the nuclear power industry rely too much on theoretical calculations, when only experience … Continue reading

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EDF : Fessenheim Nuclear Plant Dismantlement Not Until 2018 – Report via 4-Traders

PARIS–France’s oldest nuclear plant Fessenheim, in the east of the country bordering Germany, won’t be dismantled until 2018 at the earliest due to the plant’s lengthy closing procedures, the French government mediator for the shut down of Fessenheim Francis Rol-Tanguy … Continue reading

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Japan anger over French Fukushima cartoon via BBC

Japan will formally protest about a cartoon in a French satirical weekly of sumo wrestlers with extra limbs at the stricken Fukushima nuclear plant. The caption says: “Thanks to Fukushima, sumo is now an Olympic sport”, a reference to Tokyo’s … Continue reading

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UNSCEAR members protest against minimising health effects of Fukushima radiation via nuclear-news

Shocked UNSCEAR members in Belgium protest “It even goes back behind the lessons of Chernobyl and other studies.”  Original post: Marc Molitor Les délégués belges indignés: “On minimise les conséquences de Fukushima” by Marc Molitor http://www.rtbf.be/info/societe/detail_les-delegues-belges-indignes-on-minimise-les-consequences-de-fukushima?id=8042566 English translation by Alex Rosen, M.D., … Continue reading

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16 nuclear reactors to be ready by 2030 via Arab News

Saudi Arabia intends to become a leader in renewable energy by building 16 nuclear reactors with a combined capacity of 22GW, which is about half of the Kingdom’s current electricity output. The project is estimated to cost of more than … Continue reading

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French nuclear tests ‘showered vast area of Polynesia with radioactivity’ via Islands Business

PARIS, France —- French nuclear tests in the South Pacific in the 1960s and 1970s were far more toxic than has been previously acknowledged and hit a vast swath of Polynesia with radioactive fallout, according to newly declassified Ministry of … Continue reading

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France’s oldest nuclear plant to shut down by 2016: minister via Global Times

French Environment Minister Philippe Martin on Sunday confirmed the closure of the country’s oldest nuclear plant of Fessenheim by the end of 2016, a local paper reported. In an interview with the weekly Le Journal de Dimanche (JDD), the newly-appointed … Continue reading

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