Tag Archives: EU

Nuclear plans persist despite Fukushima via The Australian

It is the first reactor to pass the stress tests imposed after the Fukushima accident. While Japan is unlikely to commission any new nuclear projects, Tomari is positive news for the nuclear industry. While the Japanese, Germans, Swiss and Italians … Continue reading

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Belgian soccer game halted by fans comments to Japan goalkeeper about Fukushima disaster via The Washington Post

BRUSSELS — A Belgian soccer was temporarily stopped on Saturday after visiting fans taunted Japanese goalkeeper Eiji Kawashima over the recent Fukushima nuclear disaster. The referee halted the match between Lierse SK and Beerschot after some Beerschot supporters began chanting: … Continue reading

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Tomas Kåberger hjälper Japan med utveckling av förnybar energi via Energimyndigheten

eneraldirektör Tomas Kåberger lämnar Energimyndigheten och blir styrelseordförande i nybildade Japan Renewable Energy Foundation.– Japan har stora utmaningar och starka drivkrafter att lyckas. Därför vill jag gärna åta mig detta uppdrag, och har bett regeringen om entledigande från min tjänst … Continue reading

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Public attitudes to the nuclear to the nuclear industry via Ipsos Mori/Nuclear Industry Association

Published:4 August 2011 Fieldwork:17 – 23 June 2011 Theme:Environment / Climate Source:Ipsos MORI / Nuclear Industry Association An extra mid-year opinion survey for the Nuclear Industry Association, conducted in the wake of the Fukushima incident in Japan in March, has … Continue reading

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[video]Ashes to Honey – Trailer –

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Yoko Ono says Japan should look at Iceland via Straits Times

TOKYO – YOKO Ono has an idea for her disaster-scarred country Japan – abandon nuclear energy for renewables and tap the geothermal energy beneath the unstable ground of the volcanic island nation. The artist and widow of John Lennon is … Continue reading

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Rallies held across Scotland to mark Hiroshima bombing via BBC News

Vigils and rallies to commemorate the dropping of the first atomic bomb are being held across Scotland. About 140,000 people were killed in the US attack on the Japanese city of Hiroshima 66 years ago. People have been gathering in … Continue reading

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Hiroshima Day, an apt time to question Trident via The Guardian

While the government slashes public services and conventional military forces, billions are being poured into nuclear projects It’s not so long ago that the world watched in horror as Japan suffered the full force of the tsunami. The scenes of devastation … Continue reading

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Germany’s Grand Energy Experiment via the energy collective

Most readers of BNC know the story — after the Fukushima nuclear crisis, the German government announced that Germany would phase out all of its nuclear generation capacity by 2022. In almost the same period, Germany also aims to cut … Continue reading

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In Sweden, A Tempered Approach To Nuclear Waste via npr

by Ingrid Becker uly 28, 2011 from KQED First in a two-part series about the long-term storage of nuclear waste Two of three reactors at the Forsmark nuclear power plant in Sweden. The country lacks oil reserves and gets about … Continue reading

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