Tag Archives: Cold War

Greenland’s Receding Icecap to Expose Top-Secret US Nuclear Project via The Guardian (Reader Supported News)

[…] The US army engineering corps excavated Camp Century in 1959 around 200km (124 miles) from the coast of Greenland, which was then a county of Denmark. Powered, remarkably, by the world’s first mobile nuclear generator and known as “the … Continue reading

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Sixty years on, the Maralinga bomb tests remind us not to put security over safety via The Sydney Morning Herald

Liz Tynan […] RAF and RAAF aircraft prepare to fly through the billowing cloud to gather samples. The cloud rises much higher than predicted and, despite the delay, the winds are still unsuitable for atmospheric nuclear testing. The radioactive cloud … Continue reading

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Hiroshima: the crime that keeps on paying, but beware the reckoning via Counterpunch

[…] But here was one thing that Obama could have said that would have had a real impact: he could have told the truth. He could have said: “The atom bombs were not dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki ‘to save … Continue reading

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The former Rocky Flats Nuclear Weapons Plant was officially declared cleaned up – or as close to clean as it was going to get – ten years ago. That was fifteen years after the FBI led a pre-dawn raid on … Continue reading

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Nuclear lessons: Hanford tours go to heart of Cold War facility via The Spokesman Review

RICHLAND – At Hanford’s B Reactor, thousands of graphite blocks towered over Ernie Doyle’s head. On a recent public tour, the 57-year-old truck driver from Hillsboro, Oregon, seized the chance to take a close look at the world’s first large-scale nuclear reactor. … Continue reading

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U.S.-Russia Nuclear Deal Stalls as Tensions Over Ukraine Rise via The New York Times

WASHINGTON — The growing confrontation between Washington and Moscow over Ukraine has derailed a recent accord that promised one of the most expansive collaborations ever between the countries’ nuclear scientists, including reciprocal visits to atomic sites to work on projects … Continue reading

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The US nuclear weapons complex needs a new role via The Bulletin of Atomic Scientists

By Kennette Benedict The US nuclear weapons complex is in disarray, disrepair, and perhaps dissolution. In 2000, Washington created the National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) to better manage the facilities that make up the complex, which include the national laboratories … Continue reading

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From Warheads to Cheap Energy via The New York Times

Thomas L. Neff’s Idea Turned Russian Warheads Into American Electricity As the Cold War ended in the late 1980s and early ’90s, a new fear arose amid the rejoicing and relief: that atomic security might fail in the disintegrating Soviet … Continue reading

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Washington Leading The Way In The New Nuclear Arms Race via Mint Press News

Plans call for five nuclear submarines, 72 bombers and 240 land-based missile systems to be built from 2024 to 2029. This, in addition to the U.S. nuclear portfolio, would be larger than the strategic nuclear strength of China, France and … Continue reading

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Soil sampled near airport for radiation via Fox2

ST. LOUIS COUNTY, MO. (KTVI) – The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers has started sampling the soil at the Boeing St. Louis site in North St. Louis County. They are trying to determine if radioactive levels in the soil are … Continue reading

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