Tag Archives: Australia

Nuclear industry to push for Australia to adopt ‘clean, affordable power’ via The Guardian

The nuclear industry will lobby for nuclear energy in Australia, saying the prime minister, Malcolm Turnbull, should embrace the technology as a way to slash greenhouse gas emissions. The Australian Nuclear Association (ANA) will accompany Danny Roderick, chief executive of … Continue reading

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The fantasy of cheap, safe nuclear energy via IN Daily

Back in the 1970s and 80s, solar and wind energy were expensive and their supporters were criticised by the nuclear industry for dreaming of a renewable energy future. Nowadays the situation is reversed. Several countries are well on their way … Continue reading

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Australia defends opposition to global push for nuclear weapons ban via The Guardian

Foreign affairs department ‘sees no value’ in a pledge, endorsed by 116 countries to eliminate nuclear weapons worldwide Australia has defended its position on nuclear disarmament, saying a push for a global treaty banning nuclear weapons “will not lead to … Continue reading

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Nuclear power a costly relic, US economist warns commission via The Australian

Vermont Law School senior fellow for economic analysis Mark Cooper has called on South Australia’s Nuclear Fuel Cycle Royal Commission to ­reject nuclear­ power on the grounds that natural gas-fired generation is more cost-competitive. The former Fulbright fellow’s submission to … Continue reading

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Understanding the Political Turmoil Surrounding Renewables in Australia and Spain via GreentechSolar

The Energy Gang looks at the conflicts brewing in the world’s highest-potential markets for clean energy. […] Last week, Australia abruptly changed its national policies for renewables, upsetting project development plans. And in June, Spain proposed yet another tax on … Continue reading

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World Court condemns French nuclear tests via New Zealand History

The ruling by the International Court of Justice was part of New Zealand’s long campaign against French nuclear testing in the Pacific. Though the French ignored the court’s interim injunction and carried on testing in the atmosphere, continuing protests soon … Continue reading

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US pressed Canberra to play ball on nuclear waste via The Australian

US government cables from 1978 reveal Washington had a long-term strategy to make Australia acknowledge its “responsibility” to accept nuclear waste. This pressure coincided with parliament’s approval on June 8 that year of a six-part ­regime to facilitate the mining, … Continue reading

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South Australians debate the role of nuclear fuel in the state’s future via ABC

South Australia is home to the country’s largest deposits of uranium, and now a royal commission is investigating how the state could use the nuclear fuel source in the future. The Nuclear Fuel Cycle Royal Commission has recently wrapped up … Continue reading

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Australian uranium ‘could end up in India’s nuclear weapons program’ via The Guardian

Former IAEA chairman says deal to sell uranium to India ‘drastically changes’ safeguards policy and risks playing ‘fast and loose’ with nuclear weapons Australian uranium could end up in India’s nuclear weapons program thanks to concessions the Abbott government made … Continue reading

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Anti-CSG groups says use of radioactive materials should be disclosed via The Age

Radioactive material is being used at some coal seam gas drilling sites in NSW and Queensland, raising concerns about potential health and environmental impacts. A radiation management licence issued to US-based drilling company Halliburton shows it is permitted to use … Continue reading

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