Category Archives: *English

Poisoned legacy: why the future of power can’t be nuclear via The Guardian

By Serhii Plokhy […] In the meantime, we obviously have an existing nuclear industry, and the solution is not to run away in panic, but to take good care of the facilities that already dot our countryside. We must not … Continue reading

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原発事故の国連報告者が訪日へ 9~10月、初の避難者調査 via 東京新聞

東京電力福島第1原発事故の避難者調査のため再三訪日を求めていた国連のセシリア・ヒメネスダマリー特別報告者(国内避難民の権利担当)に対し、政府が9月下旬~10月中旬の受け入れを打診したことが12日分かった。外務省が明らかにした。ヒメネスダマリー氏は共同通信の取材に、7月か9月の訪日を希望するとしていたため実現する可能性が高い。  国連人権理事会に任命された専門家による避難者の本格的調査が初めて行われることになる。  原発事故の自主避難者は住宅支援打ち切りなどで厳しい生活環境にあり、ヒメネスダマリー氏は2018年から訪日を求めていたが政府は事実上放置していた。 原文

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Holtec Commits to Not Discharging Contaminated Water into Cape Cod Bay via

PLYMOUTH – Senator Ed Markey (D – MA) recently led a subcommittee field hearing in Plymouth where the CEO of Holtec International, the owner of Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station, said the company would not dump one million gallons of radioactive … Continue reading

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Cape Cod Bay in the Crosshairs — Holtec’s Reactor Waste Water Threat via Counterpunch

By John Laforge Still dreaming of a nuclear reactor that is clean, safe and cheap? Holtec Decommissioning International Corp. is trying to turn that dream to a nightmare. The newly minted subsidiary intends to dump roughly one million gallons radioactively … Continue reading

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Turning Hanford’s nuclear waste into glass logs would emit toxic vapors, says document via OPB

By Allison Frost (OPB) The Hanford nuclear reservation in south central Washington state holds 56 million gallons of radioactive waste. The facility produced plutonium for U.S. atomic bombs in WWII, and it kept producing for the country’s nuclear weapons through the late … Continue reading

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[Book review] Documenting the tragic aftermath of the Fukushima nuclear disaster via Fukushima 311 Watchdogs

Natsuko Katayama kept fastidious notes on what she saw – and the people she spoke to – on the grounds of the Fukushima nuclear site. We have already forgotten about Fukushima. Hardly anyone remembers what happened there 11 years ago. … Continue reading

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Georgia nuclear plant’s cost now forecast to top $30 billion via News4Jax

ATLANTA – A nuclear power plant being built in Georgia is now projected to cost its owners more than $30 billion. […] That amount doesn’t count the $3.68 billion that original contractor Westinghouse paid to the owners after going bankrupt, which … Continue reading

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The poisoned environmental legacy of the ‘Nuclear Park’ via Culturico

Linda Pentz Gunter France prides itself on its “Nuclear Park”, its fleet of once 58 and now 56 operational nuclear reactors that deliver 70% of the country’s electricity. However, the environmental effects of this considerable use of nuclear power – … Continue reading

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The poisoned environmental legacy of the ‘Nuclear Park’ via Culturico

By Linda Pentz Gunter […] France is heavily reliant on nuclear energy. Its 56 commercial reactors dot almost every corner of the country, providing 70% of all electricity consumed. France also possesses a nuclear weapons arsenal, fueled by the nuclear … Continue reading

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‘Dodged a bullet’: how whistleblowers averted a second US nuclear disaster via The

The Netflix docuseries Meltdown: Three Mile Island, revisits a 1979 nuclear accident and the cut corners that could have resulted in a disaster years later […] Three Mile Island – still the worst commercial nuclear accident in US history – … Continue reading

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