Tag Archives: East Japan Earthquake + Fukushima

Embrace of nuclear power ignores its downside: Dangers and disruptive shutdowns via Boston Globe

[…] I doubt the 80,000 displaced residents of Fukushima Prefecture or the former inhabitants of Chernobyl’s thousand-square-mile Exclusion Zone would sit easily with the Globe’s notion that nuclear plants are a source of “clean power.” Nor would New Englanders who … Continue reading

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The Unlearned Lessons of Japan’s Fukushima Nuclear Disaster via World Politics Review

Elliot Waldman […] The following day, three former executives of the Tokyo Electric Power Corporation, or TEPCO—which operated the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant when it took a direct hit from the tsunami—entered the district courthouse in Tokyo for the … Continue reading

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Pope promises Fukushima visit, answering plea from bullied boy via The Asahi Shimbun

By SHINICHI KAWARADA/ Correspondent VATICAN CITY–After being bullied and attacked, Matsuki Kamoshita appeared to be living a fairly peaceful life by concealing the fact that he was an evacuee from the nuclear disaster-hit Fukushima Prefecture. The secrecy, however, was eating … Continue reading

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Why didn’t the US “ground” its Fukushimas? via Beyond Nuclear International

By Linda Pentz Gunter Ralph Nader* the country’s leading consumer advocate, hit the nail on the head last Wednesday when he labeled the United States Federal Aviation Adminstration’s (FAA) hesitance to ground the Boeing 737 Max 8 an example of … Continue reading

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As fears linger, Fukushima rice rebounds under anonymity via The Asahi Shimbun

By DAISUKE HIRABAYASHI/ Staff Writer FUKUSHIMA–Shipments of Fukushima rice have rebounded since the 2011 nuclear disaster, but Masao Matsukawa, a rice farmer in the prefecture, is not happy about the situation. Before the triple meltdown at the Fukushima No. 1 … Continue reading

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Fukushima water headache: 1 million tons and counting via The Asahi Shimbun

The crippled Fukushima No. 1 nuclear plant reached an undesired milestone on March 18: Storage tanks at the site now contain more than 1 million tons of radiation-contaminated water. The announcement by the plant’s operator, Tokyo Electric Power Co., came … Continue reading

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Dealing with the fallout in Fukushima – Part 2 via Soil Science Society of America

Newswise — Mar. 18, 2019 – Mar. 11 marked the 8th anniversary of Japan’s Tohuku earthquake. The tsunami that followed led to the meltdown of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant, which spread radioactive materials throughout the area. The Soil … Continue reading

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Presentation on Fukushima disaster set via BRISTOL HERALD COURIER

ABINGDON, Va. — “The Forgotten Women and Children of Fukushima,” a presentation by biologist Mary Olson, will be held March 21 at 6:30 p.m. at Pleasant View United Methodist Church in Abingdon. […]  As a reminder of the radiological danger, … Continue reading

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Nuclear waste from Diablo Canyon Power Plant discussed at decommission meeting via KSBY

Ahead of the impending closure of California’s last power plant, the Diablo Canyon plant in San Luis Obispo County, utility managers and members of a decommission panel met Wednesday to discuss what will be done with the hazardous nuclear waste. … Continue reading

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New regulations coming for US nuclear plants 8 years after Fukushima disaster via Washington Examiner

by John Siciliano Federal regulators are marking the eight-year anniversary of the horrendous tsunami and nuclear power plant disaster that rocked Fukushima, Japan, by issuing major new regulations this spring to harden the U.S. power plant fleet against multiple threats that … Continue reading

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