Tag Archives: East Japan Earthquake + Fukushima

Japan’s nuclear horror relived as people return to Fukushima’s ghost towns via Mirror

It is eight years since a devastating tsunami caused three reactors to meltdown at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power station on the north-east coast of Japan ByEmily RetterSenior Feature Writer […] Radiation leaking in fatal quantities forced 160,000 people to … Continue reading

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Fukushima Daiichi operator warned for lax security via NHK World–Japan

Japan’s Nuclear Regulation Authority has issued a warning to the operator of the crippled Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant for not complying with rules to safeguard nuclear materials. The regulator says the company was not keeping a list of keys … Continue reading

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Japan needs thousands of foreign workers to decommission Fukushima plant, prompting backlash from anti-nuke campaigners and rights activists via South China Morning Post

・Activists are not convinced working at the site is safe for anyone and they fear foreign workers will feel ‘pressured’ to ignore risks if jobs are at risk・Towns and villages around the plant are still out of bounds because radiation … Continue reading

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TEPCO transfers some fuel from Fukushima plant No. 3 unit pool via The Mainichi

FUKUSHIMA, Japan(Kyodo) — The operator of the crippled Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant said Tuesday it has transferred some nuclear fuel from one of the reactor buildings damaged by hydrogen explosions in the 2011 disaster to another location for safer … Continue reading

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Fukushima agricultural exports bounce back from nuclear disaster to hit record high via The Japan Times

FUKUSHIMA – Exports of agricultural products produced in Fukushima Prefecture rose about 2 percent in fiscal 2018 to a record 217.8 tons, according to the prefectural government. […] In fiscal 2018, which ended last month, exports of peaches and Japanese persimmons … Continue reading

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Fukushima soccer facility, repurposed after 3/11 disaster, fully reopens via The Japan Times

FUKUSHIMA – The J-Village national soccer training center in Fukushima Prefecture resumed full operation Saturday, eight years after it was converted into an operational base to cope with the nuclear disaster that hit the prefecture in 2011. The facility, established in … Continue reading

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Ken Watanabe to star in ‘Fukushima 50’ film on disaster workers via The Mainichi

TOKYO — Actor Ken Watanabe will star in the “Fukushima 50” film depicting workers at the disaster-hit Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station who struggled with the 2011 meltdowns that is set to be released next year. The original story comes … Continue reading

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‘Nuclear village’ website closed down after host of complaints via The Asahi Shimbun

By ATSUSHI KOMORI/ Staff Writer An association of electric power companies and nuclear plant manufacturers shut down a pro-nuclear website after widespread complaints that it was in poor taste and made light of the Fukushima disaster. The website, titled “Atsumare … Continue reading

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Japan ‘Nuclear Energy Village’ website pulled after critics say it plumbed ‘new level of insensitive’ via The Japan Times

A website created by the Japan Atomic Industrial Forum to educate the next generation on nuclear energy was taken down Friday after drawing criticism on social media, with some Twitter users calling the effort “inappropriate” given that the Fukushima No. … Continue reading

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TEPCO to start removing fuel at Fukushima’s No. 3 reactor via The Asahi Shimbun

The operator of the crippled Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power plant will start removing nuclear fuel from the No. 3 reactor as early as next week through equipment controlled remotely due to high radiation levels inside the building. This will … Continue reading

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