Tag Archives: Russia

Russians Who Pose Election Threat Have Hacked Nuclear Plants and Power Grid via the New York Times

By Nicholas Perlroth Cybersecurity officials watched with growing alarm in September as Russian state hackers started prowling around dozens of American state and local government computer systems just two months before the election. The act itself did not worry them … Continue reading

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New Video Shows Largest Hydrogen Bomb Ever Exploded via The New York Times

[…] Last week, the Russian nuclear energy agency, Rosatom, released a 30-minute, formerly secret documentary video about the world’s largest hydrogen bomb detonation. The explosive force of the device — nicknamed Tsar Bomba, or the Tsar’s bomb, and set off on Oct. 30, … Continue reading

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Scandinavian Radiation Spike Linked to Russian Nuclear Plant Malfunction via The Moscow Times

A slight increase in radioactivity over Scandinavia this month may have spread from the direction of western Russia, Dutch authorities said, but later stressed that they have not identified a country of origin. The Associated Press cited the Netherlands National Institute for … Continue reading

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Nuclear waste shipment leaves Germany for Russia via BBC News

A shipment of 600 tonnes of depleted uranium has left a nuclear fuel plant in Germany bound for Russia, a Russian environmentalist group says.  Twelve rail cars left the Urenco plant in the town of Gronau, close to the Dutch … Continue reading

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Standing up to Rosatom via Beyond Nuclear International

Anti-nuclear resistance in Russia: problems protests, reprisals The following is a report from the Russian Social Ecological Union (RSEU)/ Friends of the Earth Russia, slightly edited for length. You can read the report in full here. It is a vitally important document … Continue reading

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Anti–nuclear resistance in Russia: problems, protests, reprisals via Russian Social Ecological Union/Friends of the Earth Russia

Table of Contents: Introduction Nuclear energy: failures and lies Expired reactors Decommissioning problems Uranium mining protest Rosatom Importing uranium waste The Mayak plant: Rosatom’s dirty face Struggle against nuclear repository Rosatom’s ‘death plants’ A road through a radioactive graveyard Conclusion: … Continue reading

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Lithuania Fears Belarusian Nuclear Plant Hasn’t ‘Learned Lessons Of Chernobyl’ via RadioFreeEurope

By Matthew Luxmoore ASTRAVETS, Belarus — Mikalay Ulasevich was running in municipal elections in July 2016 when a local resident alerted him to a major accident at a nuclear power plant under construction close to this town in northwestern Belarus. Workers … Continue reading

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Gorbachev warns world in ‘colossal’ danger from nuclear weapons via France 24

Former Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev says the world is in “colossal” danger from nuclear weapons held by global powers amid continued tensions since the end of the Cold War. The last head of the Soviet Union won the 1990 Nobel … Continue reading

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RWANDA SIGNS WITH RUSSIA via Industry Reporter

As Russia has been on a huge spree of signing newer and newer deals everyday either with the Middle Eastern nations or with the African nations. The with the Middle East accomplished now it is focusing on the African part. … Continue reading

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Russia has hidden the details of a handful of nuclear accidents since the 1950s — here’s what we know about them via Business Insider

Aria Bondix and Morgan McFall-Johnsen The Chernobyl nuclear power plant disaster was followed by three days of silence from the Soviet government. When officials did make a statement, they reported that the situation was “stabilized.”  Russia has tried to keep the details of other nuclear … Continue reading

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