Tag Archives: nuclear waste

‘Threat of 2nd Chernobyl’: Kiev’s new nuclear project puts Europe at risk, Greens warn via RT

The construction of a spent nuclear fuel storage facility in Ukraine poses “significant safety risks for the whole of Europe” because of numerous rule and standards violations, Ukrainian environmentalists warn. The Ukrainian Greens Association, a non-profit environmentalist organization, listed the … Continue reading

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There’s No Covering Up This One — Visible Pollution Leaking from NY Nuclear Plant via Activist Post

[…] According to the Democrat and Chronicle, Entergy Corporation, which operates the plant, found the source of the oil on the roof of a turbine building, said Neil Sheehan, a public affairs officer for the NRC. “It appears about 20 … Continue reading

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California’s Last Nuclear Power Plant To Be Shut Down via National Public Radio

The Diablo Canyon Nuclear Power Plant will be shut down by 2025. The plan was announced today by the power utility operating the plant, along with labor and environmental groups. […] “Right out there, we’ve got tons of highly radioactive … Continue reading

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Messenger: Activist won’t back down in quest to rid St. Louis of nuclear waste via St. Louis Post Dispatch

[…] We’re in her dining room to talk about West Lake Landfill and the nuclear waste that was dumped there illegally decades ago. The radioactive waste dates to the production of the first atomic bomb, a double-edged sword of a … Continue reading

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Nuclear power: Asking the wrong questions via Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists

Steven Starr […] I am a senior scientist with Physicians for Social Responsibility, a group that does call for abolition. Physicians for Social Responsibility is deeply concerned about the medical and ethical consequences of the ongoing production of enormous amounts … Continue reading

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Two Stay-at-Home Moms Are Waging War Against the Feds Over Illegal Toxic Waste via Broadly

What do you do when there’s 10,000 barrels of illegally dumped uranium two miles away from your home and the government tells you not to worry about it? Dawn Chapman and her family are stuck in an absurd and depressing … Continue reading

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UPDATED: Clinton nuclear plant to close in ’17 via the Champagne/Urbana News Gazette

CLINTON — The 29-year-old Clinton nuclear power plant, which employs some 700 people in central Illinois, will close on June 1, 2017, Exelon Corp. said today. But U.S. Rep. Rodney Davis, R-Taylorville, said today he thinks there’s still time to … Continue reading

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Germany to store atomic waste at Danish border via CPH

Lightly radioactive materials to be stored near Padborg The German state of Schleswig-Holstein is planning to store atomic waste near Harreslev, which is just a stone’s throw away from the Danish border. Some 35,000 tonnes of atomic waste generated from … Continue reading

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Plan to store nuclear waste near Great Lakes proves radioactive via The Washington Post

KINCARDINE, Ontario — If there was an off-key moment during the otherwise flawlessly executed trip to the U.S. Capitol this spring by the new Canadian prime minister, Justin Trudeau, it might have come when he was cornered by Rep. Debbie … Continue reading

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EDF’s Hinkley Point deal over radioactive waste sparks anger via The Guardian

FOI complainant criticises ministers over refusal to disclose agreement with energy supplier for planned nuclear plant A furious row has broken out after the Department of Energy and Climate Change (DECC) refused to disclose the arrangement with EDF for dealing … Continue reading

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