Tag Archives: nuclear waste

Uranium Mines Dot Navajo Land, Neglected and Still Perilous via New York Times

CAMERON, Ariz. — In the summer of 2010, a Navajo cattle rancher named Larry Gordy stumbled upon an abandoned uranium mine in the middle of his grazing land and figured he had better call in the feds. Engineers from the … Continue reading

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Japan’s $320 Million Gamble at Fukushima: An Underground Ice Wall via The New York Times

[…] Built by the central government at a cost of 35 billion yen, or some $320 million, the ice wall is intended to seal off the reactor buildings within a vast, rectangular-shaped barrier of man-made permafrost. If it becomes successfully … Continue reading

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Inside Fukushima’s Time Bomb via Al Jazeera

 Five years after Japan’s Fukushima nuclear disaster many residents are still living in a radioactive nightmare. […] Five years after the twin catastrophes of the tsunami and nuclear meltdown, villages sit silent and empty. Thousands of workers still toil to … Continue reading

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More problems uncovered at nuclear fuel plant near Columbia via The State

COLUMBIA, SC An atomic safety investigation at a Columbia nuclear fuel factory uncovered additional problems this week as inspectors discovered more radioactive material had built up in the plant than they previously knew about. An air pollution control system pipe … Continue reading

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Nuclear accident in New Mexico ranks among the costliest in U.S. history via Los Angeles Times

When a drum containing radioactive waste blew up in an underground nuclear dump in New Mexico two years ago, the Energy Department rushed to quell concerns in the Carlsbad desert community and quickly reported progress on resuming operations. The early … Continue reading

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Nuclear power plant? Or storage dump for hot radioactive waste? via Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists

[…] Spent nuclear power fuel accumulated over the past 50 years is bound up in more than 241,000 long rectangular assemblies containing tens of millions of fuel rods. The rods, in turn, contain trillions of small, irradiated uranium pellets. After bombardment … Continue reading

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Radiation contamination concerns after Cold Water Creek flooding in Hazelwood via Fox2

ST. LOUIS, MO (KTVI) – Residents at a Hazelwood apartment complex woke up this morning to find their cars submerged after a nearby creek over flowed. There’s more to be worried about then just water damage from Cold Water Creek. … Continue reading

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‘They thought it would snow forever’: Nuclear waste at Cold War base in Greenland being released due to global warming via Mirror

A top-secret Cold War base buried under the ice in Greenland which was used by the United States is at risk of releasing nuclear waste because of global wamring. The US used the site – known as Camp Century – … Continue reading

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Japan’s new environment minister pledges to build trust, contaminated waste storage facility in Fukushima via The Japan Times

Newly appointed Environment Minister Koichi Yamamoto said Friday he will further efforts to build trust with people in Fukushima Prefecture to facilitate a stalled project to build a temporary nuclear storage facility. The 2011 triple meltdown at the Fukushima No. … Continue reading

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Washington Fire Crews Fight To Keep Buffer Between Wildfire, Nuclear Reactor via Jefferson Public Radio

Officials from the Hanford nuclear reservation and Energy Northwest have been meeting with fire managers in southeast Washington state Tuesday. The nearby Range 12 Fire has grown to more than 177,000 acres and high winds are predicted this evening. Fire … Continue reading

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