Tag Archives: Nuclear power

Speeding Sea Level Rise Threatens Nuclear Plants via EcoWatch

By Paul Brown The latest science shows how the pace of sea level rise is speeding up, fueling fears that not only millions of homes will be under threat, but that vulnerable installations like docks and power plants will be … Continue reading

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UAE nuclear reactor one step closer to operation: WAM via Al Jazeera

Analysts have raised concerns over the safety of the nuclear facility and its potential to spawn a nuclear arms race. The United Arab Emirates‘ delayed Barakah nuclear power plant is one step closer to coming online, after an operational readiness assessment confirmed the … Continue reading

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Rising sea levels could turn new Sizewell power station into ‘nuclear island’ via East Anglian Times

Sue Roaf, emeritus professor of architectural engineering at Heriot Watt University, said it was madness to build a new power station near flood risk sites. She warned the proposals on the Suffolk coast risked lives and could transform parts of … Continue reading

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Netanyahu, in apparent stumble, calls Israel ‘nuclear power’ via Reuters

JERUSALEM (Reuters) – In an apparent slip of the tongue on Sunday, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu described Israel as a nuclear power before correcting himself with a bashful nod and an embarrassed smile.  Israel is widely believed to have an … Continue reading

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Germany takes nuclear plant offline, final six to close over two years via Reuters

Tom Käckenhoff DUESSELDORF (Reuters) – Germany will take another step toward completing its withdrawal from nuclear power when EnBW pulls the plug on the Philippsburg 2 power station on New Year’s Eve, leaving half a dozen plants still to close … Continue reading

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Letter: Nuclear does much harm via the Financial Times

12 December 2019 I read your report “EU agrees rule book for green investments” (December 6), on the newly established EU “taxonomy for sustainable activities” for investment in energy, and found it extraordinary that nuclear energy has been included under … Continue reading

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The Tantalizing Nuclear Mirage via The American Prospect

Many see nuclear power as a necessary part of any carbon-neutral mix. The reality isn’t so simple. BY ALEXANDER SAMMON DECEMBER 5, 2019 […] So does the Green New Deal need nuclear to achieve its lofty goals? Does zero-carbon energy infrastructure … Continue reading

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Pope Francis, in Japan, Warns of ‘Selfish Decisions’ on Nuclear Energy via the New York Times

By Motoko Rich […] TOKYO — In the first visit to Japan by a pontiff in 38 years, Pope Francis on Monday edged close to calling for the renunciation of all nuclear power in a country that experienced the worst … Continue reading

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Pope says world must rethink reliance on nuclear power; denounces ‘epidemic’ of bullying via JapanToday

By NICOLE WINFIELD and MARI YAMAGUCHI Pope Francis met Monday with victims of Japan’s 2011 nuclear disaster and called for the world to rethink its reliance on nuclear power as it considers the planet it wants to leave to future … Continue reading

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Ohio’s Pro-Nuke Assault Threatens American Democracy With Violence and More via Reader Supported News

By Bob Fitrakis and Harvey Wasserman, Columbus Free Press 24 November 19 he nuclear industry’s violent assault on democracy in Ohio has taken a surreal leap. It could seriously impact whether Donald Trump will carry this swing state – and … Continue reading

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