Tag Archives: India

Markey Questions DOE’s Radioactive Recycling Proposal via Congressman Ed Markey

WASHINGTON (January 11, 2013) – A Department of Energy proposal to allow up to 14,000 metric tons of its radioactive scrap metal to be recycled into consumer products was called into question today by Rep. Ed Markey (D-Mass.) due to … Continue reading

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Indian officials warn Kashmiris of possible nuclear attack: Report via The Express Tribune

SRINAGAR: Police in Indian Kashmir have warned residents to build underground bunkers to prepare for a possible nuclear war in the disputed region, which is on edge after a string of deadly border clashes. The warning comes despite a ceasefire which … Continue reading

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Kudankulam nuclear plant officials receive threat letter via The Times of India

TIRUNELVELI: Days before the first unit of the Kudankulam Nuclear power Project is to be commissioned, officials at the plant site received an anonymous threat letter, police said on Saturday. The hand-written post card was received by the security personnel … Continue reading

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Kudankulam to go live during Putin trip via The Times of India

[…] “The time constraint will prevent Putin from going there himself but the commissioning can happen even in a virtual manner with the Russian President and PM Manmohan Singh together giving the go-ahead from Delhi,” said a source. It remains … Continue reading

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People’s Movement Against Nuclear Energy (PMANE): Letter to heads of govts via South Asia Mail

We, several millions of people from the southernmost tip of India, are writing to you to seek your support for the peaceful and nonviolent struggle that we have been waging for almost a quarter century against the Koodankulam nuclear power … Continue reading

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Canada to allow civil nuclear trade with India, no timeline via Reuters

(Reuters) – Canadian firms will soon be able export uranium and nuclear reactors to India for the first time in almost four decades, as the result of an agreement reached between the two countries, Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper said … Continue reading

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India-Canada nuclear deal to take new shape? via The Indian Express

Civil nuclear cooperation, ways to step up bilateral trade and economic ties are some of the issues expected to be discussed during the meeting between visiting Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper and Prime Minister Manmohan Singh here tomorrow. […] The … Continue reading

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Safety concerns for India’s nuclear energy industry via PM radio (ABC News)

MARK COLVIN: The international nuclear watchdog is inspecting one of India’s main reactors after a series of leaks that exposed workers to dangerous levels of radiation. Dozens of employees at the Rajasthan Atomic Power Plant were exposed during two serious … Continue reading

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IAEA team tours India nuclear plant after radiation leak via The Naitonal

JAIPUR // A team from the UN’s nuclear watchdog began a safety inspection yesterday at a power plant in northern India where dozens of workers were exposed to radiation in separate leaks this year. The inspectors were touring the Rajasthan … Continue reading

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‘KNPP’s First Unit Likely to be Operational By Next Year’ via Outlook India.com

Amid anti-nuclear protests by villagers, Atomic Energy Chairman R K Sinha today said the first unit of 1,000 MW of the Kudankulam nuclear plant in Tamil Nadu is likely to become operational by next year. “Though it will not be … Continue reading

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