Tag Archives: health

The U.S. Tested 67 Nuclear Bombs in Their Country. Now They’re Dying in Oklahoma via Narratively

After a series of military experiments devastated their homeland, Marshall Islands residents were permitted to immigrate to the U.S. But they didn’t know their American dream came with a catch. […] To Mote (pronounced “mo-tay”), a hundred miles isn’t so … Continue reading

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The Ukrainian artist Miso captures the Chernobyl tragedy in millions of pinholes—creating maps of trauma that feel at once fragile and powerful, ephemeral and enduring. […] Pinchuk, or Miso, as she is also known, works out of a studio in … Continue reading

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Public at risk for what’s blowing in the wind via West Hawaii Today

Depleted uranium (DU) is seen as an emerging environmental pollutant introduced primarily by military activity. The previous use of DU within Pohakuloa Training Area (PTA) followed by repeated live-fire exercises, as are currently occurring, provide a serious threat to public … Continue reading

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Chicago park will finally be cleansed of radioactive waste via Archpaper

Chicago has a bit of a thorium problem. The radioactive element, once heavily used in the making of gas light mantels, can now be found in contaminated superfund sites across the city. One of those sites also happens to be the … Continue reading

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A predictable nuclear accident at Hanford via Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists

Hugh Gusterson […] On May 9, workers discovered a 20-foot-diameter hole where the roof had collapsed on a makeshift nuclear waste site: a tunnel, sealed in 1965, encasing old railroad cars and equipment contaminated with radiation through years of plutonium … Continue reading

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Grounded Podcast: Hanford’s Dream of the 90s via Oregon Department of Energy

For more than 40 years, the Hanford Nuclear Site near Richland, Washington produced plutonium for America’s nuclear weapons program. The once top-secret Manhattan Project site ended production in 1989. When the focus at Hanford shifted to cleanup in the early … Continue reading

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Illinois Issues: The Prairie State’s Nuclear Waste Conundrum via NPR Illinois

The Land of Lincoln is the country’s largest de facto nuclear waste dump. Under a federal measure passed 30 years ago, the spent fuel from America’s nuclear reactors is supposed to be permanently buried out in the Mojave Desert, tucked … Continue reading

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France’s EDF cuts output at two nuclear reactors due to heatwave via Reuters

PARIS, July 18 (Reuters) – French utility EDF cut output at two reactors at its Tricastin nuclear plant in southern France on Tuesday, due to scorching temperatures, to reduce the amount of heated water from the reactors’ cooling system flowing … Continue reading

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Swim robot probes Fukushima reactor to find melted fuel via The Washington Post

TOKYO — An underwater robot has captured images and other data inside Japan’s crippled Fukushima nuclear plant on its first day of work. The robot is on a mission to study damage and find fuel that experts say has melted … Continue reading

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Japan Plans to Expose Its People and 2020 Tokyo Olympians to Fukushima Radiation via TruthOut

Former nuclear industry senior vice president Arnie Gundersen, who managed and coordinated projects at 70 US atomic power plants, is appalled at how the Japanese government is handling the Fukushima nuclear crisis. “The inhumanity of the Japanese government toward the … Continue reading

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