Tag Archives: health

Latest radioactive scare should prompt faster nuclear cleanup via Walla Walla Union-Bulletin

Yet, Congress continues to dither as if the nuclear waste buried at Hanford is not a threat. The radioactive waste at Hanford must be cleaned up. The sooner the better. Yet, funding for the cleanup at the Hanford Nuclear Reservation … Continue reading

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Is Fukushima doomed to become a dumping ground for toxic waste? via The Guardian

Despite promises of revitalisation from Japan’s government, seven years on from the nuclear disaster the area is still desolate This month, seven years after the 2011 Fukushima Daiichi reactor meltdowns and explosions that blanketed hundreds of square kilometres of northeastern … Continue reading

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Fukushima looks to ease blanket radiation checks on rice starting in 2020 via The Japan Times

FUKUSHIMA – Fukushima Prefecture will begin scaling back its blanket radiation checks on rice as early as 2020 amid growing signs the safety fears sparked by the March 2011 nuclear crisis are disappearing, it has been learned. All rice will … Continue reading

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福島産食品、香港でPR=復興「力強い」と来場者 via Jiji.com

 【香港時事】東日本大震災から7年になるのを前に、福島県は3日、香港で県産食品の安全性とおいしさをPRするイベントを開いた。香港島中心部の会場には多くの市民らが訪れ、弁当やジュース、日本酒などを楽しんだ。 (略) 香港は日本の農林水産物にとって、輸出の4分の1を占める最大の海外市場。ただ、東京電力福島第1原発事故後、福島など5県産の野菜と果物、乳製品の輸入が禁じられている。 県農林水産部は現地メディア向けの説明会で、放射性物質の検査に合格した食品だけを流通させていると指摘。「県産農林水産物は安全と断言できる」(佐藤清丸技監)と強調し、輸入規制の緩和・撤廃に期待を示した。(2018/03/03-18:20) 全文は福島産食品、香港でPR=復興「力強い」と来場者

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Greenpeace wary of Fukushima radiation via Hans India

Tokyo: Greenpeace has cautioned that towns in Fukushima prefecture, close to the disaster-hit nuclear power plant, were exposed to excessive levels of radiation almost 100 times greater than safe levels. The survey said that in the towns of Namie and … Continue reading

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Greenpeace investigation shows Fukushima radiation risks to last into next century via Greenpeace

Tokyo, Japan –  A comprehensive survey by Greenpeace Japan in the towns of Iitate and Namie in Fukushima prefecture, including the exclusion zone, revealed radiation levels up to 100 times higher than the international limit for public exposure.[1][2] The high … Continue reading

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Thyroid cancer relapses in some Fukushima children via NHK World

A private fund offering financial assistance to young people diagnosed with thyroid cancer after the 2011 Fukushima nuclear accident has called for a detailed follow-up survey of those who have relapsed. The 3.11 Fund for Children with Thyroid Cancer made … Continue reading

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New evidence of nuclear fuel releases found at Fukushima via Manchester

Uranium and other radioactive materials, such as caesium and technetium, have been found in tiny particles released from the damaged Fukushima Daiichi nuclear reactors. This could mean the environmental impact from the fallout may last much longer than previously expected … Continue reading

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Nuclear fear means big business for Mooresville man via WCNC

Troy Jones is offering a solution to thousands across the country: nuke pills. […] So what are “nuke pills”? They are made up of potassium iodide that prevents the body from absorbing radioactive iodine, one of the products of nuclear … Continue reading

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Radioactive Contamination Found on “Clean” Vehicles from Hanford Facility via Hanford Challenge

February 20, 2018 Seattle, WA:  A Hanford watchdog group and a scientist today released findings showing 2 out of 5 vehicle filters from vehicles parked at Hanford’s Plutonium Finishing Plant (PFP) that had been tested and released as “clean” in fact … Continue reading

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