Tag Archives: France

Un accident nucléaire en France : mais combien coûte une vie humaine pour l’IRSN ? via Rue89

L’Institut de radioprotection et de sûreté nucléaire (IRSN) a rendu publiques ses estimations du coût d’un accident nucléaire en France, mais l’étude étant introuvable et les hypothèses, non diffusées, l’ensemble repose sur un socle d’histoires toutes plus discutables les unes … Continue reading

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Fukushima: Is the CNRS a purveyor of ignorance?* Or Fukushima: the CNRS does not tell the truth and indoctrinates the masses* by Thierry Ribault

On January 7 2013, CNRS (the French National Center for Scientific Research) gave access to a « scientific multimedia site » on nuclear energy intended for the general public. As a CNRS researcher trained in economics, based in Japan, where … Continue reading

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Fukushima : le CNRS tait la vérité et domestique les masses via Rue89

Le CNRS a rendu accessible le 7 janvier un dossier scientifique multimédia sur l’énergie nucléaire, destiné au «  grand public  ». Chercheur au CNRS en poste au Japon, où je travaille sur les modalités de la protection humaine dans le contexte du désastre … Continue reading

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Un accident nucléaire majeur coûterait 430 milliards d’euros via Le Figaro

INFOGRAPHIE – Pour la première fois, des économistes ont réalisé une évaluation précise des coûts qu’entraînerait en France une catastrophe nucléaire comparable à celle survenue au Japon en 2011. Un peu moins de deux ans après la catastrophe nucléaire de … Continue reading

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Hollande Draws French Industry Ire as Nuclear Edge Fades via Bloomberg

French industrial groups are up in arms as their once-celebrated nuclear-energy edge evaporates. After decades when their factories churned out everything from steel, glass and chemicals with one of the cheapest power prices in Europe thanks to the country’s 58 … Continue reading

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Mali: Why France is fighting for West Africa  via The Foreign Report.com

[…] Power from Africa  There are many voices in the European media, which say France is intervening in Mali for the sake of its energy supply. That is not surprising since 80% of France’s electricity is from nuclear power, and the region of West Africa is rich with uranium deposits. … Continue reading

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Christophe ELAIN – Nucléaire : l’étrange silence de l’OMS; フランスTV5 WHOがフクシマの犠牲者を無視する理由 via YouTube

(Francais) (日本語字幕付) http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=xNeXOwmkSBY   Reference: Guidelines for Iodine Prophylaxis following Nuclear Accidents Update 1999 via WHO 1959年IAEA-WHO協定文書の英日対訳   当サイト内関連記事: WHO:放射線健康被害の専門部局を廃止 via mainichi.jp 真実はどこに?―WHOとIAEA 放射能汚染を巡って via YouTube

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France eyes Saudi nuclear reactor sales via Al Arabiya news

A top French minister and the chief executives of French utility EDF and reactor builder Areva are visiting Saudi Arabia this weekend to build a case for selling French nuclear reactors to the oil-rich country. Industry Minister Arnaud Montebourg will … Continue reading

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The Myth of Nuclear Necessity via The New York Times

FIVE years ago, four titans of American foreign policy — the former secretaries of state George P. Shultz and Henry A. Kissinger, the former defense secretary William J. Perry and the former senator Sam Nunn — called for “a world … Continue reading

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Salman Khurshid says Areva nuclear is close: report via The Economic Times

PARIS: India and French group ArevaBSE 0.05 % are close to agreement on a contract for Areva to build a nuclear power station on the west coast of India, Indian Foreign Minister Salman Khurshid said in a newspaper interview on … Continue reading

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