Tag Archives: France

Marshall Islands takes on the nuclear-armed states, for all our sakes via Greenpeace International

Read more“The day the sun rose twice”. That’s how 1 March 1954 was recorded in the history of Rongelap, a tiny atoll in the Pacific Ocean, part of the Marshall Islands. Early that morning, shortly after the sun rose in … Continue reading

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French Nuclear Giant Areva Says Future Is Uncertain, Prompting a Sell-Off via The New York Times

PARIS — Areva, the French nuclear technology giant, warned of an uncertain outlook for its business amid delays to important projects and sluggishness in the global atomic energy sector, sending its stock tumbling on Wednesday. The company, which is about … Continue reading

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Seeing a New Future for French Nuclear Site, After the Toxic Dust Has Settled via The New York Times

VAUJOURS, France — On a walk through her garden on a recent afternoon, Lisa Leclerc ran a Geiger counter over her mushrooms. “See, normal,” she said, looking at a reading showing ordinary background levels of radiation. The reading may have … Continue reading

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Mystery Drones in France Expose Vulnerability of Nuclear Sites via Bloomberg

A series of mysterious drone flights over French nuclear reactors recently is exposing a security threat that has authorities scrambling. There have been more than a dozen sightings so far, including one this week, of small unmanned aircraft. They haven’t … Continue reading

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Au revoir, nuclear power? France eyes an energy shift of its own via The Christian Science Monitor

France is looking to undo decades of nuclear power growth and instead boost energy sources like wind, solar, and small hydro projects. French President Francois Hollande has promised to limit the growth of the country’s nuclear power, many older reactors … Continue reading

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France to Build 8 Nuclear Reactors in South Africa via International Business Times

France is set to construct eight nuclear reactors in South Africa after signing a $US50 billion ($A54.10 billion) agreement early this week. The deal likewise stated skills development, localisation of nuclear technology as well as research and development in South … Continue reading

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France to cut reliance on nuclear power by 2025 via The Local.fr

In his election manifesto President François Hollande had promised to cut France’s reliance on Nuclear power and that move came a step closer on Friday. By 2025 France will have reduced the portion of its electricity produced by nuclear power … Continue reading

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South Africa signs nuclear agreement with France via Reuters

(Reuters) – South Africa has signed a nuclear power agreement with France, the government said on Friday, three weeks after it reached a similar deal with Russia as part of Pretoria’s first tentative steps towards building up to 9,600 MW … Continue reading

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Akira Mizubayashi : “Le gouvernement japonais minimise Fukushima le plus possible” via metro news

ESSAI – Universitaire et professeur de français à l’université de Tokyo, Akira Mizubayashi dénonce dans son “Petit éloge de l’errance” (Folio/Gallimard) l’irresponsabilité du gouvernement japonais face à la catastrophe de Fukushima, entre souvenirs personnels et évocations artistiques. Akira Mizubayashi écrit … Continue reading

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S&P to decide in 30 days whether to downgrade Areva to junk via Reuters

(Reuters) – Credit ratings agency Standard & Poor’s has put French nuclear power engineering group Areva on “creditwatch negative” and will decide within 30 days whether to downgrade its credit ratings by one notch into non-investment grade territory. A downgrade … Continue reading

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