Tag Archives: fracking

Recipe for a Big Bang: Permit Issued to Frack 1 Mile From Nuclear Power Plant via AlterNet

On Oct. 3, Chesapeake Energy was issued a permit by the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) to drill for natural gas by fracking one mile from the Beaver Valley Nuclear Power Station in Shippingport, Pennsylvania. This is disturbing news … Continue reading

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Permit given for fracking near nuclear plant via Herald Standard.com

Chesapeake Energy has a permit to frack just one mile from the Beaver Valley Nuclear Power Station in Shippingport. Whether that is cause for alarm, experts can’t say. But one thing is for sure — in the midst of the … Continue reading

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Gas-well waste full of radium via The Columbus Dispatch

Millions of barrels of wastewater trucked into Ohio from shale-gas wells in Pennsylvania might be highly radioactive, according to a government study. Radium in one sample of Marcellus shale wastewater, also called brine, that Pennsylvania officials collected in 2009 was … Continue reading

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