Tag Archives: EU

First Ever Masters Program In Nuclear Security Launched via RTT News

The first-ever Masters Program in Nuclear Security was launched at a ceremony at the Reactor Institute of the Delft University of Technology in the Netherlands on Thursday. The Masters Program marks the growing importance of security on the global nuclear … Continue reading

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Nuclear Energy Far From Extinct – Analysis via Eurasia Review

While Japan’s reactors remain vulnerable two years after Fukushima disaster, more than 45 countries, ranging from sophisticated economies to developing nations are reported to be actively considering embarking upon nuclear power programs, The front runners after Iran are said to … Continue reading

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Turkey close to $20bn nuclear plant announcement via Power Engineering International

Turkey is about to make a decision on the awarding of its new nuclear power plant at Sinop, on the Black Sea. Earlier Nikkei Business Daily stated that Mitsubishi Heavy Industries and Areva (Euronext: CEI) had won the contract to construct … Continue reading

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155:フクシマ2周年、ドイツ農民がトラクターデモで日本大使館に抗議行動・Protest von Bauern zum zweiten Fukushimajahrestag vor japanisher Botshaft in Berlin am 11.3.2013 via 明日うらしま

Mit Verspätung einer Woche möchte ich nun Bilderberichte der Antiatomprotest von Bauern zum 2. Jahrestag Fukushimas 11.3.2013 vor der japanischen Botschaft in Berlin zeigen. Über die Aktion mit etwa 100 Atomgegener berichteten  beide japanische Fernsehersendungen  NHK und TBS. Vorbericht von … Continue reading

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Mali: Why France is fighting for West Africa  via The Foreign Report.com

[…] Power from Africa  There are many voices in the European media, which say France is intervening in Mali for the sake of its energy supply. That is not surprising since 80% of France’s electricity is from nuclear power, and the region of West Africa is rich with uranium deposits. … Continue reading

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Nuclear power referendum Bulgaria via European Green Party

Show the Bulgarians your support in their anti-nuclear campaign. Anti-nuclear activists in Bulgaria are campaigning hard in an upcoming referendum on nuclear power. Bulgarians go the polls on January 27 to answer the question, “Should Bulgaria develop nuclear energy through … Continue reading

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Europe ‘has failed to learn from environmental disasters’ via Euractiv

Europe has failed to learn the lessons from many environmental and health disasters like Chernobyl, leaded petrol and DDT insecticides, and is now ignoring warnings about bee deaths, GM food and nanotechnology, according to an 800-page report by the European … Continue reading

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Europe ‘has failed to learn from environmental disasters’ via the guardian

Europe ‘has failed to learn from environmental disasters’ Europe has failed to learn the lessons from many environmental and health disasters like Chernobyl, leaded petrol and DDT insecticides, and is now ignoring warnings about bee deaths, GM food and nanotechnology, … Continue reading

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Funding gap for nuclear decommissioning in Bulgaria, Lithuania and Slovakia via European Parliament News

Defects in the EU’s nuclear decommissioning programmes in Bulgaria, Lithuania and Slovakia include cost overruns, delays, lack of coordination and supervision, diffused responsibilities, too much money going to unrelated energy projects and ill-informed priority setting, say Budgetary Control Committee MEPs … Continue reading

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Lithuanians near old nuclear plant fear for their lives via The Washington Times

The parking lot outside the atomic power plant is weedy and potholed. Bus stops that once teemed with hundreds of workers are eerily empty. Yet the stillness at Ignalina, a Lithuanian nuclear plant built in the 1980s Soviet era, belies … Continue reading

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