Tag Archives: EU

Iranian Says Nuclear Talks Have Reached ‘Critical Point’ via The New York Times

Iran’s ambassador to the United Nations said Friday that negotiations with the big powers over the disputed Iranian nuclear program had reached a “critical point,” implicitly raising the possibility of failure, because of the new regimen of harsh economic sanctions … Continue reading

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Britain Says It Will Add Reactors for Energy via The New York Times

Britain announced plans Tuesday to finance a new generation of nuclear power plants and renewable energy facilities, in a move that illustrates the differences in energy policies among European Union countries as the bloc grapples with the challenge of reconciling … Continue reading

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EU、日本産食品の輸入規制を10月まで継続 via Yomiuri online

【ブリュッセル=工藤武人】欧州連合(EU)の執行機関、欧州委員会は28日、加盟27か国が、東京電力福島第一原子力発電所の事故を受け、日本産の食品や飼料に対する輸入規制措置を10月末まで継続する方針を決めたと発表した。 続きはEU、日本産食品の輸入規制を10月まで継続

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No comeback for nuclear power, say experts via DW

Despite plans for new atomic power plants in countries like the US, Poland, China and India, the nuclear heyday looks to be over. Energy policy experts say the number of such plants is set to shrink worldwide. In 1974, the … Continue reading

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Wishing Upon an Atom in a Tiny French Village via The New York Times

FESSENHEIM, France — The protesters who periodically descend upon this rural village say the aging nuclear power station here, in the woods beyond the cornfields, is a calamity in waiting. Candidates for France’s presidency differ on the future of nuclear … Continue reading

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EU nuclear group invites views on deep geological waste disposal via Platts

An EU nuclear expert group is calling for public feedback by February 13 on how best to manage deep geological disposal of nuclear waste, the European Commission said Monday. “Our vision is that by 2025, the first geological disposal facilities … Continue reading

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Europe atomic stress tests a charade via The Japan Times Online

OSAKA — Stress tests being carried out on European nuclear power plants are a political charade designed to reassure the public that the reactors are fundamentally safe, a member of the European Parliament and a prominent Bulgarian atomic expert said … Continue reading

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The Fukushima Effect: France Starts to Turn Against Its Much Vaunted Nuclear Industry via Time

Is France’s long, proud, and at times defiant affection for nuclear energy finally beginning to wane in the aftermath of the Fukushima disaster? While it’s still too early to pronounce France’s nearly four decade love affair with nuclear power finished … Continue reading

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U.S. steps up sanctions as Iran floats nuclear talks via Reuters

(Reuters) – U.S. President Barack Obama signed new sanctions against Iran into law on Saturday, shortly after Iran signalled it was ready for fresh talks with the West on its nuclear programme and said it had delayed long-range missile tests … Continue reading

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Fukushima residents tour German renewable village; learn about non-nuclear energy sources via The Washington Post

FELDHEIM, Germany — A group of residents from the radiation-stricken area around Japan’s tsunami-hit nuclear reactors and a Tokyo actor are visiting Germany to learn how renewable energy could work in their homeland. Among them is Tatsuko Okara, an organic … Continue reading

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