Search Results for: France

New nuclear energy and fuel waste storage facilities emerging near Carlsbad? via Carlsbad Current Angus

A repository for spent nuclear fuel rods was proposed to be built in west Texas, even as a southeast New Mexican consortium hopes for a similar facility near Carlsbad and Hobbs. Orano USA, a subsidiary of France-based global nuclear energy … Continue reading

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Fukushima food promoted in Paris via NHK World

The governor of Japan’s Fukushima Prefecture is in Paris to promote farm products that are suffering from a damaged reputation following the 2011 nuclear accident. […] Uchibori organized the “Fukushima Pride” tasting event on Saturday at a shopping mall near … Continue reading

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French police move in to clear nuclear storage protests via The Telegraph

Hundreds of French police swooped in at dawn to evict about 15 protesters living in treehouses at a site that is due to be developed to store nuclear waste deep under the earth. Two bulldozers accompanied around 500 gendarmes in … Continue reading

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Is Japan moving to renege on no-nuclear weapon policy? via The Nation

Beatrice Fihn, executive director of the 2017 Nobel Peace Prize-winning International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons, was denied a meeting with Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe during her recent visit to Japan. […] It is not difficult to understand why … Continue reading

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Israel’s Nuclear Weapons Program via Telesur

Israel’s nuclear-weapons program was initiated by the founding prime minister of Israel, David Ben-Gurion, who stated that Israel could only survive as a newly formed, fiscally poor nation if it possessed nuclear weapons to deter militaries, such as those from … Continue reading

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Nuclear Abolition: A Model for International Youth Activism via Buzzflash

[…] International treaties to reduce nuclear arsenals have been in existence for decades, so why did the Nobel Prize Committee choose to honor ICAN? The organization’s efforts are unique because the campaign reframes nuclear disarmament as a humanitarian issue. Seeing … Continue reading

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Troubled French Nuclear Producer Relaunches With New Name via US News and World Report

PARIS (AP) — France’s influential but troubled nuclear company Areva is seeking a new start with a new name. The state-controlled company unveiled its new name — Orano — and logo Tuesday. Areva, originally named after a Spanish abbey, had … Continue reading

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Return of tactical nuclear weapons would send a dangerous signal via CNN

[…] Incorporating tactical nuclear weapons into America’s military planning would undermine 65 years of nonproliferation that goes back to President Eisenhower’s 1953 “Atoms for Peace” speech, which sought to share the benefits of atomic power while containing the risks, and the … Continue reading

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EDITORIAL: Japan should not pursue nuke fuel reprocessing despite U.S. OK via The Asahi Shimbun

Japan’s agreement with the United States on bilateral cooperation in civilian uses of nuclear power will be automatically renewed when its 30-year term expires in July. As neither of the two governments sought to renegotiate the deal half a year … Continue reading

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Pope Calls for Dialogue in Korea, Ban on Nuclear Weapons via Reuters

VATICAN CITY (Reuters) – Pope Francis called on Monday for all nations to support dialogue to ease tensions on the Korean peninsula and to work for a legally binding ban on nuclear weapons. […] The pope addressed diplomats a day … Continue reading

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