Category Archives: *English

The US Has No Plans to Give Up Nuclear Weapons. The Public Needs to Change That via Truthout

By Jon Letman , TRUTHOUTPublishedApril 24, 2023 A first step toward anti-nuclear advocacy is becoming aware of the current sprawling state of the U.S. nuclear arsenal. When Russian President Vladimir Putin announced his intention to deploy short-range nuclear missiles to Belarus in March, he pointed … Continue reading

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The Hanford Plaintiffs/黙殺された被曝者の声

The Hanford Plaintiffs: Voices from the Fight for Atomic Justice by Tricia T. Pritikin Foreword by Richard C. Eymann and Tom H. Foulds University of Kansas Press, 2022 『黙殺された被爆者の声』(明石書店)の刊行に際しまして、著者のトリシャ・T・プリティキン氏よりお話しいただきました。 政府はなぜ核被害を隠蔽し続け、認めないのか……。これはアメリカだけの問題ではない。 1940年代からアメリカ国内で度重なる核実験が行われ、核施設の風下住民は慢性的に放射性物質に曝され続けていたが、40年以上この公害は調査されず、政府に巧みに隠ぺいされてきた。本書は核被害で障害や重病に苦しむ無辜の人々の悲しみと怒りの記録である。 書誌情報: 『黙殺された被爆者の声:アメリカ・ハンフォード 正義を求めて闘った原告たち』 トリシャ・T・プリティキン=著 宮本ゆき=訳 定価4,950円(本体4,500円+税) 四六判/上製/404頁 ISBN:978-4-7503-5556-6 詳しくはコチラ⇒… Amamzon⇒

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DNA research among Chornobyl’s dogs could provide answers about the effects of living in a radioactive environment via Beyond Nuclear International

By Linda Pentz Gunter […] Now, Chornobyl’s hapless lost dogs and cats find themselves living in a war zone as well. Russian troops marched into the Exclusion Zone at the very start of the invasion, in late February 2022, and … Continue reading

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Down to Earth: The path to radically lower emissions tucked away inside the devastating IPCC report via The Guardian

It feels impossible. The world has to slash carbon emissions by almost half in the next seven years to remain on track for just 1.5C of global heating and avoid the worst of climate impacts. Yet emissions are rising. However, tucked … Continue reading

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Japan says G7 welcomes release of Fukushima wastewater, Germany objects via Hankyoreh

Following a meeting of Group of Seven ministers on climate, energy and environment in Sapporo, Hokkaido, Japan, on Sunday Japan’s Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry began speaking while the environmental ministers of Italy and Germany remained seated. In his … Continue reading

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UK ignites new depleted uranium weapons debate via Beyond Nuclear International

Linda Pentz Gunter and Maria Arvaniti Sotiroupoul On March 21, 2023 Britain confirmed that it was sending depleted uranium (DU) weapons to Ukraine , prompting a response from Russian president, Vladimir Putin, that, “If all this happens, Russia will have to respond accordingly, given that the … Continue reading

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Germany turns its back on nuclear for good despite Europe’s energy crisis via Green News

[…] The country is pulling the plug on its last three reactors on Saturday (15 April), betting it will succeed in its green transition without nuclear power. On the banks of the Neckar River, not far from Stuttgart in south … Continue reading

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Trip to Richland: Confronting the Histories We Were Never Taught via Oregon Humanities

By Laura Feldman To Downwinders everywhere Over the years I’ve visited the site many times, almost as if summoned. Slowly and surely I have developed a relationship with this place that was certainly not my place. In the summer of 2021, I … Continue reading

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The British government doesn’t want to talk about its nuclear weapons. The British public does via Bulletin of Atomic Scientists

By Tim Street, Harry Spencer, Shane Ward | April 6, 2023 In January 2023 British Pugwash and the polling company Savanta conducted a survey of UK public opinion on nuclear weapons issues and potential support for policies that advance nuclear arms control, disarmament, and … Continue reading

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New images from inside Fukushima reactor spark safety worry via Daily Mail

TOKYO (AP) – Images captured by a robotic probe inside one of the three melted reactors at Japan’s wrecked Fukushima nuclear power plant showed exposed steel bars in the main supporting structure and parts of its thick external concrete wall missing, triggering … Continue reading

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