Category Archives: *English

The Crisis of Nuclear Dumping in the Blue Pacific via Reverse The Trend

On 26 August 2021, Reverse The Trend hosted an online conference to raise awareness about Japan’s decision to release 1.25 million tonnes of nuclear contaminated wastewater into the Pacific Ocean. The co-sponsors were the University of the South Pacific Students’ … Continue reading

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‘A combination of failures:’ why 3.6m pounds of nuclear waste is buried on a popular California beach via The Guardian

More than 2 million visitors flock each year to California’s San Onofre state beach, a dreamy slice of coastline just north of San Diego. The beach is popular with surfers, lies across one of the largest Marine Corps bases in … Continue reading

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汚染水の海洋放出反対メッセージ Save Our Oceans! Don’t Dump Radioactive Water via Beyond Nuclear

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Cleaning up nuclear waste at Hanford: Secrecy, delays and budget debates via Crosscut

by John Stang/ August 16, 2021 / Updated at 5:25 p.m. on Aug. 19 A plan to turn radioactive waste into glass logs has raised a lot of questions, many of which don’t appear to have public answers. […] The project faces a cluster … Continue reading

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Nuclear New Orleans: Another Fukushima? Post-Ida Dangers at Waterford Nuclear – Arnie Gundersen, Maggie Gundersen, Nancy Foust – NH #532

Listen Here: Audio Player00:0000:00Use Up/Down Arrow keys to increase or decrease volume. Podcast: Download This Week’s SPECIAL Interviews: Following the devastation to New Orleans by Hurricane Ida, mainstream media has failed to cover the situation at the Waterford nuclear facility only 25 miles … Continue reading

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Groups call for no US nuclear bailouts via Beyond Nuclear International

240 organizations ask Congress to eliminate nuclear subsidies from the budget Note: Beyond Nuclear was among 240 organizations who have signed a letter sent to the House and Senate Majority and Minority leaders urging them to omit nuclear bailouts from the federal budget … Continue reading

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Fukushima: A Lasting Tragedy via Portside

The United States, the largest owner of nuclear power plants, promotes nuclear power as “safe and clean energy,” a wolf in sheep’s clothing. H. Patricia Hynes […] Five Years Later Considered the most complex industrial cleanup, not even robots were … Continue reading

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Damage & Offsite Power Lost At Waterford Nuclear Plant Due To Ida via

[…] This is a critical failure for a plant, leaving it dependent on diesel generators to keep reactor systems cooled. […] Read more.

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Please spread “International Signature Campaign Against the Discharge of Contaminated Water” via

福島原発事故10年国際署名実行委員会 AUG 28, 2021 —  Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO) has decided to dump contaminated water into the ocean through a tunnel 1km offshore. A senior official from the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) said, “If we dumped the … Continue reading

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Pilgrim Nuclear, Holtec Safety Lies: Diane Turco, Cape Downwinders via Nuclear Hotseat

Libbe HaLevy Listen Here: Audio Player00:0000:00Use Up/Down Arrow keys to increase or decrease volume. Podcast: Download This Week’s Featured Interview: Diane Turco is Director of the Cape Downwinders on Cape Cod, a group that’s been fighting against the Pilgrim nuclear power reactor … Continue reading

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