Author Archives: nfield

Florida moves forward on radioactive road paving plan as Gov. DeSantis signs new law via NPR

Updated June 30, 20231:24 PM ET  By Bill Chappell Florida is another step closer to paving its roads with phosphogypsum — a radioactive waste material from the fertilizer industry — after Gov. Ron DeSantis signed a controversial bill into law Thursday. … Continue reading

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福島原発避難者の支援手薄 「安心情報だけ提供」と批判via Kyodo (Yahoo!ニュースJapan)

 国連人権理事会に任命され、東京電力福島第1原発事故の避難者の実態を調査した専門家が、日本政府に対し「放射線に関して安心できる情報だけを提供し、避難者より帰還した人に手厚い支援を行うことは国際法の基準に反する」と指摘した最終調査報告をまとめたことが25日、分かった。7月4日にも人権理へ正式に提出される。  国内避難民の権利担当の特別報告者だったセシリア・ヒメネスダマリー氏が昨年9~10月、来日して調査した。人権理会合では、当事国の日本や各国から報告書の内容に対する意見や質問が出され、ヒメネスダマリー氏が回答する予定。  共同通信が入手した報告書は、事故後、政府が「差し迫った危険はない」と市民に強調し、事態の深刻さを軽視したと批判。詳しい説明に消極的で、矛盾するメッセージを伝えることもあったことから、市民は自分で避難するか決断せざるを得なかったとの見方を示した。放射線に関する政府の情報への信頼は失墜したと指摘し、科学に基づいた中立的な情報を提供するよう促した。(共同) 原文

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‘Exploring Tritium’s Danger’: a book review by Robert Alvarez via the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists

Over the past 40 years, Arjun Makhijani has provided clear, concise, and important scientific insights that have enriched our understanding of the nuclear age. In doing so, Makhijani—now president of the Institute for Energy and Environmental Research—has built a solid … Continue reading

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[Interview] Japanese lawmaker proposes novel way of storing irradiated Fukushima water via Hankyoreh

Posted on : Jun.21,2023 17:09 KST Modified on : Jun.21,2023 17:09 KST Calling the sea the world’s “shared asset,” Tomoko Abe, 74, a member of Japan’s House of Representatives, has proposed a new alternative for the impending discharge of contaminated … Continue reading

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Legal challenge against Sizewell C nuclear power plant rejected via The Guardian

A legal challenge against the government’s decision to build the Sizewell C nuclear power plant has been rejected. The campaign group Together Against Sizewell C (Tasc) had launched a judicial review against the government’s decision to give the green light to the 3.2 gigawatt … Continue reading

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By Dan Murphy Efforts to keep Holtec, the Corporation that is charged with decommissioning Indian Point Power Plant, from dumping one million gallons of nuclear waste in the Hudson River, continue, with a bill to prohibit radiological discharges into the … Continue reading

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‘Truly shocking’: UK has enough plutonium to make almost 20,000 nukes via Nuclear Free Local Authorities

[…] The 2023 Fissile Material Directory [1] is published in June each year by the Research Center for Nuclear Weapons Abolition (RECNA) [2], based at Nagasaki University. RECNA has been established for over twenty years as an educational and research … Continue reading

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“Radioactive” is compelling viewing via Beyond Nuclear International

New film spotlights women’s experiences with the Three Mile Island nuclear accident By Karl Grossman Radioactive: The Women of Three Mile Island is the title of a newly-released documentary feature film directed, written and produced by award-winning filmmaker Heidi Hutner, a … Continue reading

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A life uprooted and stolen via Beyond Nuclear International

Wherever they went, it wasn’t home From Voices of Nuclear Victims, a project of Nos Voisins Lontains. 311 The callous dismissal of those who suffered, were sickened, or died as a result of the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster, is pervasive among the … Continue reading

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A-bombed artist to distribute ‘war brooms’ in Hiroshima as he calls for nuclear abolition via The Mainichi

SHIKAOI, Hokkaido — A Hiroshima A-bomb survivor ink artist seeking to amplify his nuclear abolition message will hand out miniature brooms signifying the renunciation of war in front of Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum, coinciding with his art show opening in … Continue reading

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