Author Archives: nfield

Do France’s plans for small nuclear reactors have hidden agenda? via DW

Although France plans to invest in small modular nuclear reactors, experts doubt that this is ecologically and economically sensible. Yet it may be more about geopolitical strategy than energy. In the wake of the disaster at nuclear power plant Fukushima … Continue reading

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Japanese children of A-bomb survivors worry for health, want exposure certification: survey via The Mainichi

TOKYO — A nationwide survey of the children of Hiroshima and Nagasaki atomic bomb survivors by the Japan Confederation of A- and H-Bomb Sufferers Organizations has found that 60.3% “have anxieties and worries as second-generation survivors.” In addition to many … Continue reading

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Mr Itakura Masao who returned to live in Tomioka Town, Fukushima Prefecture via FoE Japan

“If you haven’t seen Fukushima, you can’t possibly imagine this reality.” The evacuation orders for the town of Tomioka in Fukushima Prefecture were lifted in 2017. Mr Itakura’s home is about six kilometres from the TEPCO Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power … Continue reading

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福島ミエルカプロジェクト:福島県富岡町に帰還した板倉正雄さん via FoE Japan

「福島を見ていない人はこの現実を想定できないでしょう」 2017年に避難解除された福島県富岡町。東電福島第一原発からおよそ6kmのところに板倉さんの家があります。富岡町に帰還した板倉さんを福島県三春町に住む武藤類子さんと訪ねました。 放射線量が未だに高いことから、孫や子どもたちを呼ぶことはないと言います。利用できるお店やサービスが限られているため、90歳を超えても今なお車を運転しなければ生活ができないなど、旧避難指示区域の富岡町の様子を語ってくださいました。ぜひ、板倉さんのお話をおききください。 ▼他の方のインタビューやDVD販売もございます。… ▼見える化プロジェクトの再生リストはこちら…

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Spain on track to complete nuclear power phase-out by 2035 via Power Technology

By GlobalDataTechnology GlobalData’s latest report, “Spain Power Market Outlook to 2030, Update 2021 – Market Trends, Regulations, and Competitive Landscape,” discusses the power market structure of Spain and provides historical and forecast numbers for capacity, generation, and consumption up to … Continue reading

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When the sky fell to earth via Republik

By Joshua Wheeler (Text) and Reto Sterchi (Photos), 16.10.2021 Hundreds of twinkling lights, five hundred brown paper sacks with candles in them, luminarias around the mound and spilling out into the base paths and a family of three with singing bowls on … Continue reading

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Sister Megan Rice, Fierce Critic of U.S. Nuclear Arsenal, Dies at 91 via New York Times

Sister Megan Rice, a Roman Catholic nun who was arrested more than 40 times for protesting America’s military industrial complex, most spectacularly for breaking into one of the world’s largest uranium storage sites, died on Oct. 10 at the residence … Continue reading

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To Avoid Armageddon, Don’t Modernize Missiles—Eliminate Them via The Nation (Portside)

Daniel Ellsberg and Norman Solomon The single best option for reducing the risk of nuclear war is hidden in plain sight. News outlets don’t mention it. Pundits ignore it. Even progressive and peace-oriented members of Congress tiptoe around it. And … Continue reading

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U.S. mayors urge Washington to give nod to U.N. nuke ban treaty via The Asahi Shimbun

A hugely influential group of mayors in the United States unanimously adopted a resolution calling on Washington to embrace the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW) as a step toward finally ridding the world of nuclear weapons. The call … Continue reading

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「核廃絶は私たちから」 全米市長会議、核禁条約への歓迎を決議 via 朝日新聞

 米国内の人口3万人以上の1400を超える都市で構成する全米市長会議が、米政府に対し、1月に発効した核兵器禁止条約を歓迎し、核廃絶に向けた即時行動を求める決議を全会一致で採択した。決議は「核禁条約への反対を撤回するよう検討し、核兵器のない世界の実現に向けた合意形成への前向きなステップとして歓迎するよう呼びかける」としている。  あらゆる核兵器の開発や保有、使用などを禁じる初めての国際条約である核禁条約は56の国と地域が批准しているが、米国などの核保有国は参加していない。8月末の年次総会で採択した決議はこのほか、米国の核軍備を近代化させる計画を中止し、そうした財源をインフラ整備や貧困問題、気候危機などの対応に充てることも求めている。 […] もっと読む。

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