Monthly Archives: November 2024

Revealed: how a San Francisco navy lab became a hub for human radiation experiments via The Guardian

In September 1956, Cpl Eldridge Jones found himself atop a sunbaked roof at an old army camp about an hour outside San Francisco, shoveling radioactive dirt. Too young for Korea and too old for Vietnam, Jones never saw combat. Instead, he … Continue reading

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Australia declines to join UK and US-led nuclear energy development pact via ABC News

Acting Prime Minister Richard Marles told parliament on Tuesday that the government would not sign an agreement the UK and US governments announced overnight. “For Australia, pursuing a path of nuclear energy would represent pursuing the single-most expensive electricity option … Continue reading

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Australia mistakenly included on list of countries joining US-UK civil nuclear deal, British government says via The Guardian

The UK government has conceded that Australia was mistakenly included on a list of countries that were expected to sign up to a US-UK civil nuclear deal. The Albanese government flatly denied media reports on Tuesday that it would join … Continue reading

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