Court rejects residents’ call to halt Ehime Prefecture nuclear reactor via Japan Times

HIROSHIMA – The Hiroshima High Court on Friday rejected local residents’ call to halt the operation of an idled nuclear reactor in western Japan, upholding a lower court decision.

The ruling will allow the operator, Shikoku Electric Power, to continue utilizing the No. 3 reactor at the Ikata nuclear power plant in Ehime Prefecture, which has been suspended for a regular inspection through June 19.

The appeal was filed by seven residents of Hiroshima and Ehime prefectures who live between 60 and 130 kilometers from the reactor.

The main focal point of the trial was whether the estimate of seismic ground motion, a key factor in a reactor’s quake-resistance design, made by the utility was appropriate.

During court hearings, the residents said the operator’s estimate was inadequate, arguing that a major accident could occur in the event of a powerful earthquake similar to one that devastated northeastern Japan in March 2011.


In November 2021, the Hiroshima District Court dismissed a request by the residents to suspend the reactor, saying that merely citing the magnitude of earthquakes measured across the country does not indicate a similar earthquake will hit the area.

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