Nuclear Energy Far From Extinct – Analysis via Eurasia Review

While Japan’s reactors remain vulnerable two years after Fukushima disaster, more than 45 countries, ranging from sophisticated economies to developing nations are reported to be actively considering embarking upon nuclear power programs, The front runners after Iran are said to be UAE, Turkey, Vietnam, Belarus, Poland and Jordan.

According to the World Nuclear Association (WNA), in countries aspiring to take to nuclear power, the issue is not necessarily being discussed at the government level. As it is, WNA does not expect those 45 countries to contribute very much to the expansion of nuclear capacity in the “foreseeable future”. The main growth, it says, will come in countries which are technologically well established.

WNA is a London-based international organization that promotes nuclear energy and supports companies of the global nuclear industry.


Well-developed plans exist but commitment is pending in Thailand, Indonesia, Egypt, Kazakhstan, Saudi Arabia, and Chile. Israel, Nigeria, Malaysia, Morocco, and Kuwait are preparing plans. Discussions as serious policy option are under way in Namibia, Kenya, Mongolia, Philippines, Singapore, Albania, Serbia, Croatia, Estonia & Latvia, Libya, Algeria, Azerbaijan, Sri Lanka, Tunisia, Syria, Qatar, Sudan, and Venezuela. But in countries such as Australia, New Zealand, Portugal, Norway, Ireland, and Kuwait, nuclear power is officially not a policy option at present.

Read more at  Nuclear Energy Far From Extinct – Analysis

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