Texas lawmakers want to increase nuclear waste dump capacity via OA online

AUSTIN Rep. Drew Darby (R-San Angelo) introduced a bill Tuesday that would increase the limit of nonparty radioactive waste allowed in the Texas Low-Level Radioactive Waste Disposal Compact waste disposal facility in Andrews County.


Currently, 70 percent of the capacity is used for Texas and Vermont, part of the Texas Low-Level Radioactive Waste Disposal Compact Commission, and stores Class A low-level radioactive waste. The remaining 30 percent would be used for imported, more radioactive, Class B and C nonparty waste.

The bill would also change the definition of an affected person with regard to the low-level radioactive waste disposal facility as “either a resident of Andrews County or an adjacent Texas county, and is doing business in or has a legal interest in land in those counties.”

This stipulation has raised some eyebrows, seeing as Andrews County is on the border of Texas and New Mexico and the proximity of the facility is very close to New Mexico residents who will not have the privilege to appeal as an affected person.

Read more at Texas lawmakers want to increase nuclear waste dump capacity

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