Tag Archives: world

In Sweden, A Tempered Approach To Nuclear Waste via npr

by Ingrid Becker uly 28, 2011 from KQED First in a two-part series about the long-term storage of nuclear waste Two of three reactors at the Forsmark nuclear power plant in Sweden. The country lacks oil reserves and gets about … Continue reading

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Chevron to Supply Tepco With Wheatstone LNG, May Sell Stake via Bloomberg

By James Paton – Jul 27, 2011 12:38 AM CT Chevron Corp. (CVX), the second-largest U.S. energy company, agreed to sell Tokyo Electric Power Co. 3.1 million metric tons of liquefied natural gas annually from its proposed Wheatstone project in … Continue reading

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Apocalipsis nuclear via El Diario

Lunes, 25 de julio de 2011 / 07:56 Jean Meyer Fukushima I, con sus centrales nucleares en peligro, vino a reforzar el miedo latente que había dejado la catástrofe de Chernobyl, 25 años antes y, desde aquel fatal agosto de … Continue reading

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A Plan to Power 100 Percent of the Planet with Renewables via Scientific American

Wind, water and solar technologies can provide 100 percent of the world’s energy, eliminating all fossil fuels. Here’s how By Mark Z. Jacobson and Mark A. Delucchi | October 26, 2009 In December leaders from around the world will meet … Continue reading

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NPCIL to borrow $5.7 bn for world’s largest nuclear plant via The Financial Express

fe Bureau Posted: Saturday, Jul 23, 2011 at 0048 hrs IST New Delhi: Nuclear Power Corporation (NPCIL), India’s lone nuclear power generation utility, is going ahead with its aggressive capacity addition plans despite the renewed concern over safety of nuclear … Continue reading

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Radioactive tea from Japan detained in France via Voice of Russia

A consignment of radioactive tea from Japan was detained by customs officials in France. The cesium content exceeded the permitted norm twofold. Reportedly, the tea was en route from Shizuoka Prefecture, central Japan. Continue reading at Radioactive tea from Japan … Continue reading

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Minister vows to keep Japan’s 25% carbon cut pledge despite disaster via the Japan Times

Kyodo WASHINGTON — Environment Minister Satsuki Eda vowed Wednesday to maintain Japan’s pledge to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 25 percent from 1990 levels by 2020, despite the uncertainty hanging over the future of nuclear power amid the disaster at … Continue reading

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「原発は今後も増加」天野IAEA事務局長 via 日本経済新聞

2011/7/22 10:25 【ウィーン=藤田剛】国際原子力機関(IAEA)の天野之弥事務局長は21日、日本経済新聞などに対し「今後も中国やインドなどで原発は 増え続ける」との見通しを示し、「福島第1原子力発電所の事故の影響はそれほど大きくない」と語った。日本政府が検討するストレステスト(耐性調査)につ いては「IAEAは原発の再開と結びつけて考えていない」と述べ、稼働しながら実施すべきだとの認識を示した。 続きは「原発は今後も増加」天野IAEA事務局長

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Upbeat Look at Small-Scale Nuclear via Electric Co-op Today

New modular reactor technology could benefit co-ops By Steven Johnson | ECT Staff WriterPublished: July 18th, 2011There’s no single answer to meeting the growing energy demands of electric utilities in the coming decades. Sandra Hochstetter Byrd of Arkansas Electric Cooperative … Continue reading

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Lithuania Wins on Germany’s Nuclear Exit With Hitachi Offer via Bloomberg

By Milda Seputyte – Jul 15, 2011 2:49 AM CT Lithuania may have won an “attractive proposal” from Hitachi Ltd. (6501) to build a nuclear power plant because of Germany’s decision to give up atomic energy, said DnB Nord Bank … Continue reading

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