Tag Archives: tritium

About that tritiated water: Who will decide and when? via The Japan Times

Virtually every news story about the Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power plant acknowledges the tremendous ongoing problem of contaminated water that is accumulating in approximately 850 large tanks on-site. There are about 850,000 tons of water in the tanks at … Continue reading

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Storage capacity of radioactive water at Fukushima power plant nears limit via STL Today

The number of storage tanks for contaminated water and other materials has continuously increased at Tokyo Electric Power Company Holdings Inc.’s Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power plant in Japan, and space for still more tanks is approaching the limit. Behind … Continue reading

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Nuclear Keeps on Polluting, Long After Shutdown via Counterpunch

By John LaForge Last month, the La Crosse Boiling Water Reactor, on the banks of the Mississippi River in Wisconsin, was found to be leaking radioactive tritium (the radioactive form of hydrogen) into the groundwater. Again, clean, safe, cheap nuclear … Continue reading

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Release of tritium isn’t without real hazards via the Cape Cod Times

On July 14, Japan Times reported: “Radioactive tritium, said to pose little risk to human health, will be released from the crippled Fukushima nuclear power complex into the sea. … ‘The decision has already been made,’ Takashi Kawamura, chairman of … Continue reading

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Is it safe to dump Fukushima waste into the sea? via The Guardian

Japan has called for hundreds of thousands tonnes of irradiated water from the nuclear plant to be released into the Pacific Ocean. Karl Mathiesen looks at the potential impacts More than 1,000 tanks brimming with irradiated water stand inland from … Continue reading

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How Can Japan Settle The Issue Of Fukushima Daiichi Tritium? Drink It. via Forbes

By John Boyd Here’s the problem in a nutshell—or rather a thimbleful—facing the Japanese government and Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO), the operator of the crippled Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant. There are over 1,100 large steel tanks brimming with filtered … Continue reading

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Federal Government Acknowledges Nuclear Radiation, Chemicals Likely Killed 396 In Idaho via Inquisitr.com

[…] The federal government acknowledged for the first time this year nuclear radiation work done by workers at Idaho National Laboratory probably caused or contributed to the deaths of 396 workers. Though the U.S. federal government compensated the families of … Continue reading

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LANL nuclear safety panned in U.S. report via Albuquerque Journal

SANTA FE – A new government report gives poor marks to Los Alamos National Laboratory on its state of nuclear safety, saying the lab continues to have problems “fully implementing a number of critical nuclear safety management requirements.” Until the … Continue reading

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Fukushima: Evaporating tank contents is not the solution via Dr Ian Fairlie

Recent news stories are suggesting that TEPCO is considering evaporating the large quantities of radioactive water held in thousands of tanks at Fukushima. […] Disposing large volumes of highly tritiated water is a serious problem for TEPCO but its evaporation … Continue reading

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Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant water leak may have reached the Tennessee River, monitoring shows no increased radiation via Al.com

HUNTSVILLE, Alabama — A worker at TVA’s Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant doing regular walk-around monitoring Jan. 7 identified a leak of radioactive water at the plant last week. A Tennessee Valley Authority spokesman said today the leak resulted in a … Continue reading

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