Tag Archives: Safety

More Than 350 Cracks Found at Reactor at Nuclear Plant in Scotland (VIDEO) via Sputnik

Hundreds of small cracks were found in the hull of reactor No. 3 at Hunterston B nuclear power plant in North Ayrshire; some of them exceed two millimetres in width. The French operator company EDF has assured that the formation … Continue reading

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Fukushima evacuees resist return as ‘Reconstruction Olympics’ near via France24

With Japan keen to flaunt Tokyo 2020 as the “Reconstruction Olympics”, people who fled the Fukushima nuclear disaster are being urged to return home but not everyone is eager to go. […] But Kazuko Nihei, who fled her home in … Continue reading

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Fukushima cleanup efforts threatened by contaminated water via Washington Post

A million tons of contaminated water must be stored, possibly for years, at Japan’s Fukushima nuclear power plant, an obstacle that threatens to undermine cleanup of the site years after the plant’s nuclear crisis. Watch the video at Fukushima cleanup … Continue reading

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UK, Japan scientists study radioactive Fukushima particles via Reuters

OXFORD, England (Reuters) – Eight years after the Fukushima nuclear meltdown in Japan, radioactive particles collected from the site are undergoing new forensic investigation in Britain in an effort to understand the exact sequence of events. […] The Japan Atomic … Continue reading

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12.5% of Japanese city-dwellers still hesitant about buying food from nuclear disaster-hit Fukushima via The Japan Times

The proportion of people in metropolitan areas in Japan who hesitate to buy food products from Fukushima Prefecture due to concerns over radiation contamination has hit a record low of 12.5 percent, a government survey showed Wednesday.The share fell 0.2 … Continue reading

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Nuclear regulators extend Seabrook plant’s license to 2050 via Boston Globe

By David Abel and Danny McDonald GLOBE STAFF  MARCH 06, 2019 After years of negotiations and vocal opposition, the Seabrook Nuclear Power Plant in New Hampshire will have its license to operate extended until 2050, officials at the Nuclear Regulatory Commission said Tuesday. The agency’s decision comes … Continue reading

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What Deadly Disaster Is the Criminal, Bankrupt PG&E So Desperately Hiding at Its Diablo Canyon Nukes via Reader Supported News

By Harvey Wasserman Is the bankrupt federal felon Pacific Gas & Electric desperately hiding something very deadly at its Diablo Canyon Power Plant? Will we know by March 7, when the company wants to restart Unit One, which is currently … Continue reading

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NRA eyes seabed watch of caldera near Kagoshima nuclear plant via The Asahi Shimbun

By CHIKAKO KAWAHARA/ Staff Writer The nightmare scenario of a volcanic crater erupting and spewing a pyroclastic flow that engulfs a nuclear plant, causing catastrophic levels of radiation to leak into the atmosphere, doesn’t appear on the horizon … just … Continue reading

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LeRoy Moore: Geiger counters miss alpha radiation at Rocky Flats via Daily Camera

On Feb. 14 Amy Bounds published an article about the University of Colorado’s annual science fair for high school students. Fairview High School student Maddie Nagle addressed “concerns about lingering plutonium” at Rocky Flats. Her research compared soil samples from … Continue reading

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Energy Department Defends Secret Nuclear Shipments to Nevada via Government Exectutive

The Energy Department is sticking to its guns in defending its nuclear waste transfers following a surprise revelation last month that angered most of the lawmakers and state officials in the destination state of Nevada. It’s the latest wrinkle in … Continue reading

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