Tag Archives: plutonium

Plutonium mishap at Los Alamos National Lab accentuates pit production worries via Aiken Standard

By Colin Demarest Fifteen workers at Los Alamos National Laboratory might have been exposed to plutonium, a potentially grave mishap that some industry observers and critics say portends trouble for plutonium pit production, a separate cross-country nuclear weapons mission. At … Continue reading

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Britain has 139 tons of plutonium. That’s a real problem via Bulletin of Atomic Scientists

By Christopher Fichtlscherer, Friederike Frieß, Moritz Kütt, April 17, 2020 The United Kingdom’s last plutonium reprocessing plant, B205, located in Sellafield in northern England, will shut down by the end of 2020. It will bring an end to the era of plutonium separation in … Continue reading

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Pit production at Los Alamos offers influential ‘template’ for Savannah River Site via Aiken Standard

ALEXANDRIA, Va. — The production of nuclear weapon cores, known as plutonium pits, at a storied site in northern New Mexico will influence and enlighten a related production effort recommended for the Savannah River Site south of Aiken. Charles Verdon, … Continue reading

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Secret Plutonium Shipment via Fairewinds Energy Education

By Sue Prent Lately, Americans are experiencing an unprecedented volume of top-down lies emanating from the White House and its circle of acolytes like Energy Secretary Rick Perry. This steady drip of obvious misinformation often renders us somewhat deaf to … Continue reading

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Japan has plutonium, rockets and rivals. Will it ever build a nuke? via PRI’s The World

Patrick Winn There are few substances more freakish than plutonium. Seldom found in nature, the metal is pewter gray, absurdly heavy and so radioactive that, if you held a lump on a cold day, it would gently warm your hands. … Continue reading

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Colorado wildlife refuge at old nuclear plant is open – for now via Reuters

Keith Coffman ROCKY FLATS, Colo. (Reuters) – Less than two miles (3 km) from where triggers for thermonuclear weapons were once manufactured and against the backdrop of Colorado’s Rocky Mountains, a bull elk bugles as he defends his harem of … Continue reading

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Japan Has Enough Nuclear Material to Build an Arsenal. Its Plan: Recycle via the New York Times

    By Motoko Rich ROKKASHO, Japan — More than 30 years ago, when its economy seemed invincible and the Sony Walkman was ubiquitous, Japan decided to build a recycling plant to turn nuclear waste into nuclear fuel. It was supposed … Continue reading

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Radioactive contamination found in workers’ car filters, says Hanford watchdog via Tri-City Herald

By Annette Cary   RICHLAND, WA  Hanford Challenge is calling for an independent study of the threat that radioactive contamination might pose to the Tri-Cities from the Hanford nuclear reservation. On Tuesday it released a research report by Marco Kaltofen, … Continue reading

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Safety checks delay construction of MOX fuel plant in Aomori for third time via The Japan Times

[…] Electric Power Development Co. had been planning to begin construction of major facilities at the Oma nuclear power plant in the prefecture during the latter half of this year, but told the Oma Municipal Assembly on Tuesday it has … Continue reading

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Japan to cap plutonium stockpile to allay U.S. concerns via The Asahi Shimbun

Japan plans to boost measures to curb surplus plutonium extracted from the reprocessing of spent fuel at nuclear power plants, including capping the country’s stockpile of the highly toxic material. The move followed the U.S. and other countries’ calls for … Continue reading

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