Tag Archives: nuclear waste

France Is Still Cleaning Up Marie Curie’s Nuclear Waste via Bloomberg Business Week

 Her lab outside Paris, dubbed Chernobyl on the Seine, is still radioactive nearly a century after her death.By Tara Patel In 1933 nuclear physicist Marie Curie had outgrown her lab in the Latin Quarter in central Paris. To give her the … Continue reading

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Maine Voices: Long-buried U.S. nuclear waste would complicate any bid for Greenland via Press Herald

Would the U.S. or Denmark be responsible for cleaning up over 47,000 gallons of Cold War-era radioactive waste? BY DAN POSSUMATO […] Since the early 1950s the U.S. has maintained Thule Air Base on the northwest of the island for the … Continue reading

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TOXIC SLUDGE North Korea nuclear leak fears as satellite images show rivers turned BLACK near uranium mines via The Sun

Michael Havis and Patrick Knox NORTH Korea’s nuclear programme is feared to be leaking toxic waste which could be contaminating 400,000 people — risking cancer and horrible birth defects. Disturbing photos appear to reveal how a uranium plant in the … Continue reading

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Fukushima: How to move a mountain of radioactive soil via BBC

The operators of the badly damaged Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant in Japan say they have achieved another milestone in making the plant safe.  Remotely controlled machinery has begun removing 88 tonnes of spent nuclear fuel from the heavily damaged … Continue reading

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Nuclear waste: A hot business? via Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists

By Thomas Gaulkin, It usually takes decades for defunct nuclear plants in the United States to be taken apart and cleaned up so the land can be developed for other purposes. Long after the main facilities are dismantled and their sites remediated, spent … Continue reading

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Feds say San Onofre nuclear fuel transfers can resume via San Francisco Chronicle

SAN ONOFRE, Calif. (AP) — Federal regulators are allowing operators of a closed Southern California nuclear power plant to resume transferring nuclear waste to a storage facility. The San Diego Union-Tribune says the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission on Tuesday gave … Continue reading

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Will Art Save Our Descendants from Radioactive Waste? via Jstor Daily

What if the great threat to human life isn’t a bomb dropping down from above but radioactive waste creeping up from below? Will art come to our rescue then? Before a world that trembled beneath the threat of nuclear holocaust, … Continue reading

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As Nuclear Waste Piles Up, Private Companies Pitch New Ways To Store It via WBEZ 91.5

JEFF BRADY Congress is once again debating how to dispose of the country’s growing inventory of nuclear waste. Wyoming Republican Senator John Barrasso is proposing legislationthat would jump start licensing hearings for the Yucca Mountain nuclear waste storage site in Nevada. … Continue reading

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Japan’s nuclear horror relived as people return to Fukushima’s ghost towns via Mirror

It is eight years since a devastating tsunami caused three reactors to meltdown at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power station on the north-east coast of Japan ByEmily RetterSenior Feature Writer […] Radiation leaking in fatal quantities forced 160,000 people to … Continue reading

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The Royal Navy Can’t Seem to Figure Out How to Dispose of Old Nuclear Submarines via National Interest

Not an easy problem to solve.by Michael Peck When you need to dispose of an old car, you can take it to a junkyard. But what do you do with a nuclear submarine whose reactor can make people glow in a … Continue reading

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