Tag Archives: Nuclear power

Former SCANA CEO Kevin Marsh gets October sentencing date for VC Summer role via The State

By John Monk An Oct. 7 date has been set for the sentencing of Kevin Marsh, the former CEO of SCANA who pleaded guilty earlier this year to federal conspiracy fraud charges involving a cover-up of financial troubles connected to … Continue reading

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Les obligations vertes de l’UE excluent le nucléaire via Le Figaro

Par Anne Cheyvialle La Commission européenne prévoit de lancer sa première obligation verte à partir d’octobre pour financer le plan de relance post-Covid de 750 milliards d’euros. Le cadre réglementaire a été validé ce mardi. «Le projet de l’UE d’émettre jusqu’à 250 milliards d’euros … Continue reading

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Nuclear New Orleans: Another Fukushima? Post-Ida Dangers at Waterford Nuclear – Arnie Gundersen, Maggie Gundersen, Nancy Foust – NH #532

Listen Here: Audio Player00:0000:00Use Up/Down Arrow keys to increase or decrease volume. Podcast: Download This Week’s SPECIAL Interviews: Following the devastation to New Orleans by Hurricane Ida, mainstream media has failed to cover the situation at the Waterford nuclear facility only 25 miles … Continue reading

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Groups call for no US nuclear bailouts via Beyond Nuclear International

240 organizations ask Congress to eliminate nuclear subsidies from the budget Note: Beyond Nuclear was among 240 organizations who have signed a letter sent to the House and Senate Majority and Minority leaders urging them to omit nuclear bailouts from the federal budget … Continue reading

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Solar power to become cheaper than nuclear power by 2030, Japanese government says via Hankyoreh

The ‘nuclear power myth’ has now collapsed not just in terms of safety but also in terms of cost Solar power, an eco-friendly and renewable source of energy, could overtake nuclear power to become the cheapest form of energy by … Continue reading

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Japan weighs extending maximum reactor lifespan beyond 60 years via Japan Times

Japan is considering extending the maximum service period for its nuclear reactors beyond 60 years due to anticipated public opposition to the construction of new plants, sources close to the matter said Thursday. The government is seeking to make long-term … Continue reading

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Pueblo County might consider nuclear energy to replace power after Comanche 3 closure via Pueblo Chieftain

Sara Wilson As the fate of Xcel Energy’s Comanche 3 power plant hangs in the balance, closing in 2040 with the potential of an even earlier shutdown, Pueblo leaders are looking to a potential replacement: nuclear energy.   “These are different types … Continue reading

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Nuclear Stockholm Syndrome via Counterpunch

By Robert Jacobs Bhaskar Sunkara’s recent opinion piece extoling the virtues of nuclear power and castigating its opponents as paranoid and ill-informed, is clearly motivated by his deep concerns over the dire impacts of global warming, which loom closer by the hour. … Continue reading

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Nuclear Energy Will Not Be the Solution to Climate Change via Foreign Affairs

There Is Not Enough Time for Nuclear Innovation to Save the Planet By Allison Macfarlane he world is almost out of time with respect to decarbonizing the energy sector. Doing so, experts agree, is essential to forestalling some of the … Continue reading

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Nuclear energy isn’t a safe bet in a warming world–here’s why via The Conversation

The overwhelming majority of nuclear power stations active today entered service long before the science of climate change was well-established. Two in five nuclear plants operate on the coast and at least 100 have been built just a few metres above sea … Continue reading

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