Tag Archives: nuclear deterrence

Donald Trump, Perhaps Unwittingly, Exposes Paradox of Nuclear Arms via The New York Times

WASHINGTON — Donald J. Trump’s remarks on nuclear weapons have brought him, at times, to a question: Why should he be constrained from ever using them? The question has, like so many of Mr. Trump’s comments, sent shock waves. But … Continue reading

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Pope Francis’ call for nuclear disarmament not new in church history via National Catholic Reporter

WASHINGTON Repeated calls from Pope Francis for the world to empty its nuclear weapons arsenals are little known and often overlooked, but carry the moral weight of Catholic social teaching, a panel of experts concurred during a panel discussion at … Continue reading

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South Asian nuclear dynamics via The Nation

May 28, 1998 was a watershed moment in the South Asian regional political discourse when, Pakistan restored the strategic balance, by conducting six nuclear tests in response to India’s five nuclear tests, codenamed ‘Pokhran II’. It was expected by local … Continue reading

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