Tag Archives: Iran

Spinning Iran’s centrifuges via Asia Times Online

By Yousaf Butt Consider yourself warned – “[I]n the next few years Iran will be in position to detonate a nuclear device,” so writes Ray Takeyh, confidently, in a recent Washington Post OpEd [1]. Why? Because the Iranian government willingly … Continue reading

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Chercheurs iraniens assassinés : le risque de montée de crise et de conflit ouvert via Le Monde fr.

Un scientifique nucléaire iranien vient encore d’être assassiné samedi 23 juillet par des tueurs circulant à motocyclette, alors qu’il allait prendre ses enfants à la sortie d’une maternelle. Sa femme a elle-même été blessée dans l’attentat. Deux chercheurs iraniens du … Continue reading

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Irán espera inaugurar su primera central nuclear a finales de agosto via el economista.es

Teherán 26 jul (EFE).- Irán espera poder inaugurar su primera central nuclear a finales de agosto, tras más de 30 años en las labores de construcción, aseguró hoy el portavoz del Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores iraní, Ramin Mehmanparast. “Mantenemos consultas … Continue reading

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Iran: Nuclear scientist ‘shot dead’ in Tehran via BBC

An Iranian nuclear scientist has been shot dead in the capital, Tehran, Iranian media sources have said. The scientist, who has not yet been named, was shot outside his home, the Isna news agency reported, adding that his wife was … Continue reading

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North Korea and Iran increase collaboration on nuclear missile, report claims via The Telegraph

North Korea and Iran are jointly working on weapons programmes designed to build a long-range missile capable of carrying a nuclear warhead, a leading British security think tank has said. By Damien McElroy, Foreign Affairs Correspondent 7:12PM BST 21 Jul … Continue reading

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‘Ahmadinejad wants to go public with Iran nuclear program’ via Haaretz.com

Intelligence assessment says Iran’s president is in favor of shedding secrecy, but clerical leadership – fearing international reaction – opposes such a move. By The Associated Press Iran’s president wants to shed the nation’s secrecy and forge ahead openly with … Continue reading

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Iran cautiously welcomes Russian proposal for brining Tehran back to nuclear talks via Brandon Sun

By: Nasser Karimi, The Associated Press 21/07/2011 7:12 AM TEHRAN, Iran – Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has cautiously welcomed a Russian proposal for bringing Iran back to talks over its nuclear program, the official news agency reported Thursday. The proposal … Continue reading

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