Tag Archives: highly enriched uranium (HEU)

Liquid Nuclear Waste Convoys A Threat to the Waters of the Great Lakes via Niagara at Large

Convoys Likely To Use Canada/U.S. Border Crossings in Greater Niagara Region “Such high-level radioactive liquid has never before been transported over public roads anywhere in North America.” A Message of Concern from the Canadian Coalition for Nuclear Responsibility – a … Continue reading

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Flying nuclear material from Scotland to US ‘an option’ via BBC News

The Nuclear Decommissioning Authority (NDA) has said radioactive material could potentially be flown to and from Scotland and the US. Last month, the UK and US governments agreed that material could be exchanged, with the UK receiving a type of … Continue reading

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Syria agrees to return highly enriched uranium to China via AL-Monitor

Syria is willing to give up a small amount of highly enriched uranium (HEU) and to convert a nuclear research reactor near Damascus that uses this dangerous material to one that is fueled by low enriched uranium (LEU), nuclear experts … Continue reading

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